題 名 | 策略聯盟兩岸晶圓代工競爭優勢之關鍵因素=Key Factors for Competitive Advantages of Cross-strait IC Foundry in Strategic Alliance |
作 者 | 黃國平; 陳弘法; 王明坤; | 書刊名 | 管理與系統 |
卷 期 | 19:1 2012.01[民101.01] |
頁 次 | 頁139-167 |
分類號 | 484.51 |
關鍵詞 | 晶圓代工競爭優勢; 分析層級程序法; 策略聯盟; IC foundry competitive advantages; AHP; Strategic alliance; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 在全球經濟衰退的2008/9 年,中國是少數經濟保持穩定增長的國家,台灣晶圓代工雖仍居世界第一,然而中國藉由政策與大量資金發展半導體產業,建立上、下游產業鏈、以自有3G 產業標準扶持IC 設計業,因此在兩岸關係漸趨和緩的情境下,本論文以德菲法確立問卷準則再透過分析層級程序法探討兩岸晶圓代工競爭優勢,重新檢視兩岸晶圓代工產業可以發展的策略聯盟。分析台灣、中國業者的中高階主管及相關支援業者所做的52 份決策問卷顯示波特鑽石體系理論5 個構面的排序為:(1)生產因素,(2)需求條件,(3)週邊相關及支援產業表現,(4)企業的策略、結構與同業競爭能力,(5)政府。發現在17 個次準則中,關鍵因素分別為︰公司治理與獎酬制度,高素質研發與技術人才,完整緊密合作的上下游供應鏈體系與技術研發創新能力。在策略聯盟上,由於中國快速崛起,台灣必須更積極與國際接軌,擴展、深化晶圓代工價值鏈,透過公司治理與獎酬制度促成價值鏈上IC 設計與服務創新,長期居此項領導地位,短期要充份以中國內需市場為標的,發展兩岸間同業非競爭聯盟機制共同來創造兩岸雙贏。 |
英文摘要 | China is one of the very few countries sustaining growth at the economic recession of 2008/09. While Taiwan maintains its leading role in IC foundry, China is developing its semiconductor manufacturing industry through active policy support and massive capital investment.This paper thus discusses the competitive advantages of the IC foundry in both areas. An analysis of analytical hierarchical process is conducted with 52 valid surveys to reveal the relative weights for those key factors from the middle to high rank officials after a Delphi analysis. It is found that the competitive advantage of IC foundry follows the priority of manufacturing, demand, performance of peripheral and support suppliers, strategy, structure, and competitiveness, and government. In addition, business governance and rewarding system is the most important of the 17 subcriteria. As for the strategic alliance, Taiwan has to reinforce its international cooperation with other countries in the long run to expand its role in the value chain of IC design and service innovation in IC foundry.In the short run, taking the advantage of the domestic demand of China and to develop a noncompetitive alliance might help Taiwan and China to achieve a win-win outcome. |