題 名 | 聯盟策略與勞工政策--從工會聯盟觀之=Strategic Alliance and Labor Policy: From the Viewpoint of Alliance of Trade Unions |
作 者 | 楊通軒; | 書刊名 | 勞資關係論叢 |
卷 期 | 8 1998.12[民87.12] |
頁 次 | 頁119-153 |
分類號 | 556.7 |
關鍵詞 | 社會壓力; 團體協約自治; 社會的市場經濟; 企業協定; 國家統合主義; 策略聯盟; Social power; Collective agreement autonomy; Social market economy; Works agreement; State corporatism; Strategic alliance; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 我集體勞工法之勞工政策,係採取對於包括工會及雇主或雇主團體嚴格干預、管制之家統點主義(state corporatism)。在工會政策上,國家係採取一種由上而下扶植工會成立的作法,與西方國家工會成立之過程不同,我國工會因此喪失團體協商之認知、能力與功能,只具有濃厚的政治功能而已。如從勞動者團結基本權而言,無進行團體商能力與功能之勞工團體,實不得被視為工會,而只是一般人民團體而已。面對著國際競爭、我國廠商到國外設廠、多國籍企業的來臺,我國勞動者之工作位置及勞動條件有喪失或降低之虞,無論從促進經濟的進一步發展及社會正義的實現,政府必須放寬工會組織自由化的幅度,促成工會本身有與雇主平等談判之力量。 |
英文摘要 | The labor policy behind collective labor laws is still state corporatism consisting of strict intervention and control with respect to labor unions and employers or employer's organizations. With the policy of trade unions different form western countries, the R.O.C. government devotes top-down effort to organize trade unions from himself, as result, our trade unions lose the ability of collective bargaining, they have only political function. From the point of the basic freedom of association of labor, a group of labor unable to negotiate a collective agreement, can not be deemed as trade union, but only a normal people association. Our labor may lose their jobs, their works conditions may become worse, as the international competition is more and more intensified, our establishments move abroad and foreign multinational enterprises invest our country. If we do want promote economic development and make the social justice come true, then first of all, the government must relax the restrictions on labor organizations and help trade unions negotiate with employers. |