題 名 | 神經加護病房護理人員對腦死知識、器官捐贈的態度、行為意向及其相關因素之探討=Nurses' Knowledge of Brain Death, Attitudes and Behavioral Intentions toward Organ Donation from Brain Death Patients, and Influencing Factors in a Neurological Intensive Care Unit |
作 者 | 柯莉珊; 樓文菁; 莊雯如; 張瑞燕; 林麗華; | 書刊名 | 榮總護理 |
卷 期 | 28:2 2011.06[民100.06] |
頁 次 | 頁172-183 |
分類號 | 419.73 |
關鍵詞 | 器官捐贈; 腦死知識; 態度; 行為意向; Brain death; Organ donation; Knowledge; Attitude; Behavioral intention; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究在探討神經加護病房護理人員對腦死知識、器官捐贈的態度、行為意向及其相關因素。研究期間2008年8月至12月,利用立意取樣於台北某醫學中心之神經加護病房護理人員,以自擬結構式問卷進行調查,問卷內容包括護理人員基本資料、護理人員對「腦死」的知識、對「腦死病人器官捐贈」的態度、影響護理人員對「腦死病人器官捐贈」的因素、護理人員對「腦死病人器官捐贈」的行為意向,及對「腦死病人器官捐贈」之主觀規範,經專家評核內容效度指數(content validity index; CVI)為0.81。問卷有效回收50份,回收率為71.4%。利用統計套裝軟體SPSS 16.0進行資料建檔與分析。結果發現知識總分為13.44分(得分範圍0-15分),答對率為90.3%。態度平均得分為3.66分(得分範圍1-5分)、行為意向為3.78分(得分範圍1-5分)、主觀規範平均得分為14.07分(得分範圍1-25分)。以「行為意向」為依變項,與行為意向在單變項分析(univariate)中呈顯著意義的變項為自變項,進入逐步線性迴歸分析,結果顯示:「人死後須保留全屍」、「從小長輩教導“身體髮膚受之父母,怎可毀傷”」和「是否曾發現潛在器官捐贈者而主動聯絡移植小組」為影響護理人員對腦死病人器官捐贈行為意向之重要因子(Adjusted R^2=0.696, p<.001)。建議當護理人員發現潛在器官捐贈者能主動聯絡移植小組,給予正面的支持與鼓勵,並將單位護理長列為培訓種子,以及建立完善通報制度,以提昇器官捐贈的風氣。 |
英文摘要 | The aim of this study was to examine nurses' knowledge of brain death, their attitudes and behavioral intentions toward organ donation. The factors influencing behavioral intentions toward organ donation were also analyzed. Using purposive sampling methods, we recruited nurses from a neurological intensive care unit in a medical center from August to December 2008. Fifty valid questionnaires were received, and the response rate was 71.4%. The questionnaire contained six parts: demographic characteristics, knowledge, attitude, behavioral intention, subjective norm, and influencing factors. The content validity index (CVI) of the questionnaire was 0.81. The results were analyzed with SPSS 16.0. The results showed that the nurses' knowledge score was 13.44 (range 1-15) with a 90.3% accurate answer rate. The mean score of nurses' attitude, behavioral intention and subjective norm was 3.66 (range 1-5), 3.78 (range 1-5), and 14.07 (range 1-25) respectively. For the linear regression analysis, we set the "behavioral intention" as the dependent variable, and the variable showed significance in univariate analysis with behavioral intention as the independent variable. Linear regression revealed that the ideas of "one's body should remain intact after death", "one's body is a precious gift from the parents and thus any injury must be avoided", and "whether a potential donor has been identified and actively contacted the organ transplantation team" had a major impact on nurses' behavioral intentions (adjusted R^2 = 0.696, p <. 001). We suggest that when promoting organ procurement work, nurses should be supported when they are identifying a potential donor. Also, organ transplantation team should be contacted and a structured notification system should be set up. |