- 公共衛生基層人員愛滋病教育研習訓練效果評價
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題 名 | 公共衛生基層人員愛滋病教育研習訓練效果評價=Evaluation of Effectiveness of AIDS Education Training for Public Health Workers |
作 者 | 晏涵文; 林燕卿; | 書刊名 | 公共衛生 |
卷 期 | 24:3 1997.10[民86.10] |
頁 次 | 頁165-177 |
分類號 | 412.454 |
關鍵詞 | 愛滋病知識; 愛滋病態度; 推廣能力; 行為意向; AIDS knowledge; AIDS attitude; Perceived capability; Behavioral intention; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究目的在瞭解衛生基層人員經過愛滋病防治教育研習訓練後其愛滋病相關的 知識及態度之增進狀況,和從事愛滋病防治教育推廣能力,將來從事防治教育的可能性之增 高情形,並探討與其間的相關性,藉供將來愛滋病防治教育訓劃的參考。本研究採「不相等 實驗組控制組設計」,立意選取臺中縣衛生局、衛生所、學校的公共衛生護士、技士及校護 約 59 人為實驗組,另選取同一所在地的衛生基層人員為控制組 60 人為研究對象。兩組於 實驗前均接受前測,介入後再接受後測。實驗組另加過程評量表。所得結果有下列數項重要 發現;1. 僅約三分之一的研究對象於本研究前曾參與過愛滋病防治的研習活動。 僅約十分 之一的研究對象有實際接觸愛滋病患者的經驗,而接觸的方式主要為家訪及電訪。 2. 在「 性教育及愛滋病防治」及「心理輔導」的相關知識上, 實驗組均比控制組具正向效果。 3. 在「同性戀」及「婚外 (前 ) 性行為」等態度上,也是實驗組比控制組影響效果大。 但對 於「接納愛滋病患者」態度的效果則未達理想。 4. 本研究之實驗介入對於研習者從事性教 育及愛滋病的防治工作能力及行為意向具有正向的效果。 5. 愛滋病的相關知識、態度、推 廣能力及行為意向上均呈顯著相關。 6. 接受研習者對教學內容、教學方法及收穫的程度多 表達滿意的評價。 |
英文摘要 | The purpose of this study is to assess the effect of an AIDS in-service training program (i.e., an intervention) on primary health care practitioners, by examining their improvements in AIDS relevant knowledge, attitude, perceived capability, and behavioral intentions, then make suggestions for implementing future studies and relevant educational programs. By quasi-experimental design. We selected fifty-nine primary publci health practitioners from the Taichung County as experimental group, and 60 health care practitioners as control group. Data of the pretest and posttest cellected from both groups shows the followings results:1. Only 1/3 of the participants in this program had ever taken part in AIDS prevention training (s). Only 1/10 had actual contacts(mainly interviews) with AIDS patient(s). 2.The intervention had a positive effect on improving knowledge of "sex education and AIDS Prevention", and "counseling" among the experimental group particpants. 3.The intervention also showed a positive effect on their attitudes toward "homosexuality" and "pre-and extra-marital sex". It, however, was not able to improve the attitude toward" accepting AIDS patients: among the experimental group. 4.Compared to the control group, the experimental group developed higher positive behavioral intentions and better ability to perform sex education and AIDS education. 5.All knowledge, attitudes, abilities, and intentions are mutually significantly correlated. 6.All participants expressed positive and satisfactory toward the intervention. |