- 台湾における日本語教員養成--東呉大学の事例を中心に
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題 名 | 台湾における日本語教員養成--東呉大学の事例を中心に=臺灣的日語教師培育--以東吳大學的事例研究為主、Japanese Teacher Training in Taiwan: A Case Study of Soochow University |
作 者 | 賴錦雀; | 書刊名 | 東吳日語教育學報 |
卷 期 | 36 2011.01[民100.01] |
頁 次 | 頁53-75 |
分類號 | 803.1 |
關鍵詞 | 臺灣; 日語教育; 教師培育; 區域別日語教育學; 東吳大學; 台湾; 日本語教育; 教員養成; 地域別日本語教育学; Taiwan; Japanese-language education; Teacher training; Regional Japanese pedagogy; Soochow University; |
語 文 | 日文(Japanese) |
中文摘要 | 本論文的目的在於闡述筆者對於台灣日語教師培育之己見。台灣日語教育之成敗端賴政府的外語政策、日語教師培育、日語教育機構之課程安排、教材、教室活動、台日關係等因素;而評量其良窳的基準則是在於是否具有對於區域別日語教育學重要性的認知。筆者認為以跨文化溝通為最終目的的日語教育之理想教師必須具備下列條件: 1.具有以學習者為優先考量之思考模式 2.擁有日語能力及學習者之母語能力 3.具有理解日本文化、學習者母文化之能力 4.具有教育專門能力 5.具有教材編撰能力及選擇能力 6.具有身為教師之自我反省能力 7.關心日語教育之發展 |
英文摘要 | This paper expresses author's opinion about that requested at the Japanese teacher training course of Taiwan from a Japanese-language education academic aspect. Japanese-language education in Taiwan will be a success or a failure is related to foreign language educational policy, Japanese teacher training, curriculum of Japanese educational institution, teaching material, classroom activity, relation between Taiwan and Japan. And, the standard is the presence of recognition to the importance of regional Japanese pedagogy. The final purpose of Japanese -language education is international communication. And the following are requested by Japanese-language teacher of the ideal. 1.The thoughtway that values learner. 2.Japanese proficiency and learner's mother tongue ability. 3.The understanding of Japanese culture and learner's mother culture. 4.The pedagogy special ability. 5.The selection ability and the compilation ability of the teaching material. 6.The introspection ability as a teacher. 7.The concern for the development of Japanese-language education. |