題 名 | 線上角色扮演教學對於學習成效與環境態度影響之研究=The Study of Effects on Online Role Play Teaching upon Learning Achievements and Environmental Attitude |
作 者 | 珐济.伊斯坦大; 楊珮琦; 陳聰毅; | 書刊名 | 中華管理發展評論 |
卷 期 | 2:2 2010.12[民99.12] |
頁 次 | 頁237-252 |
分類號 | 521.422、521.422 |
關鍵詞 | 角色扮演教學; 環境態度; 溼地生態教育; 環境行為; Role-play; Environmental attitude; Wetland ecology education; Environmental behavior; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本文目的在探討結合角色扮演之溼地生態教學網站的教學成效,與分析在實驗教學後國小四年級學生在環境態度與行為意向之表現。以臺北縣某國小四年級學生兩班共64人為研究對象,進行四週的教學活動。在四週的教學歷程中,發現研究對象透過結合角色扮演之溼地生態教學網站的學習,達到潛移默化的效果。在教學活動的內容架構上,提供角色扮演的四大主題遊戲,以生動有趣的故事串場,並把溼地生態問題敘述完整,引領學生透過該學網站展開冒險旅程,經歷了溼地生態的美麗與哀愁。不僅方便教師在課堂的教學活動引導學生,也適合學生自行操作,加深學生對溼地生態的認識,更喚起大家正視溼地的重要性,去感受隱藏在溼地生態之間,動人的生命蘊含、愛與關懷。本研究以溼地生態學習成就測驗、學生溼地生態環境態度、行為意向調查量表與網路化學習環境學習態度評估問卷所得之量化數據為主,加上輔以學生訪談、教室觀察記錄等質性資料做分析,探討學生在結合角色扮演之溼地生態教學網站的教學成效,與實驗教學後學生在環境態度、行為意向之改變。研究的目的如下:一、以結合角色扮演動畫的教學方式設計溼地教育學習教材,能讓學生產生學習動機。二、經過實驗教學後,學生的後測成績是否提升。三、經過實驗教學後,學生之溼地生態環境保育態度、行為是否改變。四、學生在網路化環境的學習態度之評估。 |
英文摘要 | The research is according to the quasi-experimental de ign. The goal is to analyze the environmental attitude and behavior of the role play by web based teaching. The research is to assess the achievement of wetland ecology, the environmental attitude of wetland ecology on student, the quantitative data of behavioral intention survey and assessment of web based learning environment attitude. Furthermore, there were teaching activities for four weeks to 2 classes, 64 students in all, at age of 10 in the same elementary school in Taipei county. The assessment include interview of the students and the record of watching in the classroom to discuss the role play of students in the wetland ecology web based teaching environment, the change of the behavioral intention and the environmental attitude after the experimental teaching. The following is the result of the research. 1. Corresponding to the teaching method of the role play of animation, better design of learning material for Wetland Ecology education to be promoted. 2. After experimental teaching, there are many differences between Experimental Group and Control Group. 3. After the analysis of environmental attitude of Wetland Ecology on students and the survey of behavioral intention, we know that those who receive the role play of Wetland Ecology web-based teaching, their environmental attitude and behavior are positive. 4. After the environmental attitude of web-based learning, the students did not meet any problems of using the web-based role play of Wetland Ecology teaching by themselves, so the learning affection of Wetland Ecology promotes the effectiveness. |