題 名 | 國民中學師生環境知識、環境態度與環境行為間關係之研究 |
作 者 | 靳知勤; | 書刊名 | 科學教育學刊 |
卷 期 | 2:2 1994.09[民83.09] |
頁 次 | 頁143-158 |
分類號 | 523.5355458 |
關鍵詞 | 環境知識; 環境態度; 環境行為; 口頭承諾; 實際承諾; Environmental knowledge; Environmental attitudes; Environmental behavior; Verbal commitment; Actual commitment; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究以大臺北地區國中生(n=939)、職前(n=207)及在職國中教師(n=113)為對象,調查其環境知識、環境態度、口頭承諾及實際承諾四項與環境有關變項之現狀。結果顯示國中學生的環境知識及環境態度顯著低顧職前與在職國中教師。而雖現職教師在實際承諾上表現最佳,但其口頭承諾與其他二組相較,並無顯著差異。 各組受試者在環境態度、口頭承諾及實際承諾兩兩變項間顯現出落差。除國中生外,職前與在職教師的最大落差均出現在環境態度與實際承諾之間;但各組的最小落差則發生在環境態度與口頭承諾之間。相對上,國中生在口頭承諾上的表現,比在另兩個變項上的要好。而在職教師在三個變項間的落差,則比其他兩組均小。 各研究變項在各組受試者內所呈現的相關,也在本研究中詳加討論。環境知識、環境態度、口頭承諾及實際承諾四者間呈現的關係,顯示出各變項在各受試組內所扮演的角色不同。因此,在進行環境教學時,教師應配合學生的發展階段,設計並運用適合的環境教材及教法,期能同時達成環境教育在認知、情意及行為領域上的教學目標。 |
英文摘要 | Environmental knowledge (K), environmental attitudes (A), verbal commitment (VC) and actual commitment (AC) of junior high students and pre-and in-service teachers were examined in this study. Junior high students had the lowest scores in environmental knowledge and attitudes among the three studied groups. Although in-service teachers performed best on AC scales, their VC scores did not show significant differences from others. The discrepancies between A, VC and AC scores were also found in three groups. The largest discrepancies existed between A and AC scores except the population of junior high school students. However, the smallest ones appeared between A and VC scales in all groups. Comparatively, junior high students performed better on VC scale than on A and AC scales. For the extent of discrepancies, in-service teachers had the smallest ones than the others. The correlations between four variables assessed were also discussed in this study. The models of relationship between these variables in three groups were found different. Therefore, it is suggested that for achieving the objectives of environmental education in cognitive, affective and psychomotor domains, teachers should develop and employ appropriate environmental materials and instructional methods according to the developmental stage and character of students. |