題 名 | 以臺灣名義申請入聯的國際法問題=On the International Law Issues in Taiwan's Application for U.N. Membership |
作 者 | 李明峻; | 書刊名 | 臺灣國際法季刊 |
卷 期 | 4:3 2007.09[民96.09] |
頁 次 | 頁133-164 |
專 輯 | 臺灣申請入聯與國際法 |
分類號 | 578.14 |
關鍵詞 | 臺灣; 中華民國; 聯合國; 國際法; 國際組織; 2758號決議案; Taiwan; Republic of China; United Nations; International organization; Resolution 2758; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 「我國」自1993年開始積極推動「參與聯合國及其附屬組織」,但都是採取請友邦提案的方式,從未以國家的身份正式申請加入聯合國,直到2007年陳水扁總統直接致函聯合國秘書長潘基文,由索羅門及史瓦濟蘭等國駐聯合國大使轉交,以臺灣名義向聯合國秘書處申請聯合國會籍,才算是正式以國家身份申請加入聯合國。然而,時隔數日卻被聯合國秘書處以2758號決議案及一個中國政策為由,將臺灣提出的入會申請書逕予退回。我國的入會申請書爲何遭到退回?關於此一問題,吾人至少可以思考四個問題,第一是成爲聯合國會員國的資格爲何?第二是聯合國大會1971年2758號決議之內容及意義?第三是爲何要申請爲會員國?爲何要使用臺灣之名義?第四是臺灣是否符合此項資格?本文旨在討論上述幾項議題,進而思考臺灣國際空間的問題。 |
英文摘要 | Since 1993, Our "country" actively promotes the proposal of "participation in the United Nations and its affiliated organizations" via friendly countries, but has never been a formal application to join the United Nations until 2007, President Chen Shui-Bian sent a letter to UN Secretary directly Ban Ki-Moon by Solomon and Swaziland Ambassador to the United Nations and other countries referred to the name of Taiwan to the United Nations Secretariat to apply for membership in the United Nations before they can formally apply for national identity in order to join the United Nations. However, after a few days, the United Nations Secretariat rejected Taiwan's application for membership for the reason of 2758 resolution and the One-China Policy. Why is our country's membership application has been rejected? On this problem, This study discuss four questions. First of all, What is the Qualification for membership of the United Nations? Secondly, what is the content and meaning of United Nations General Assembly Resolution 2758 in 1971? Thirdly, why should our country apply for the membership and use the name "Taiwan"? Moreover is whether Taiwan is consistent with this qualification? This paper aims to discuss the above topics, and then thinking of Taiwan's international space. |