題 名 | 影響軍官軍中生活適應相關因素之探討:以陸軍官校政治系畢業生為例=The Study of the Factors Affecting Officer Adjustment--A Case Study of the Graduates of Political Departmental of R.O.C. Military Academy |
作 者 | 吳錦松; | 書刊名 | 黃埔學報 |
卷 期 | 55(2) 2008.10[民97.10] |
頁 次 | 頁73-84 |
分類號 | 594.7 |
關鍵詞 | 工作壓力; 組織承諾; 工作滿足感; 軍中生活適應; 人格特質; 因應方式; 社會支援; 領導方式; 組織文化; Adjustment; Officer; Turnover tendency; Job satisfaction; Work stress; Coping skill; Social support; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本文主要目的在找出職業軍官不良適應、及良好適應的原因。不良適應包括自我傷害、主動與被動提早退伍;良好適應指工作績效高,昇遷順利,對服務單有貢獻。根據筆者本身體驗及研究心得發現:軍官適應良好與否,個人本身相關條件是關鍵因素。這些條件包括:個人的智力、領導能力、情緒智能(含自制力、毅力、人際關係、溝通能力、情緒管理能力)解決問題的能力、價值觀(是否具從軍報國的意願、以職業軍官為榮?)、良好表達能力,及積極、樂觀、負責、誠懇、熱心、幽默的人格特質。 此外,綜合國內學術界二十餘年來的相關研究,可得以下結論:工作壓力、工作特性、家庭問題是影響職業軍官工作滿足感、離職傾向及身心健康的主要變數,個人的工作壓力感受、組織承諾、因應方式、社會支援、及主上級主官的領導方式是屬於中介變數。換言之,相同的工作壓力會因個人壓力感受、人格特質、因應方式、社會支援……等方面的不同,導致不同的適應狀態。 國軍各個機關的組織文化、組織氣氛、評比昇遷制度,高階人員的編制(中校、上校、少將在組織所佔比率),限齡退伍的措施都是影響職業軍官工作滿足感及離職傾向的因素。 |
英文摘要 | In this study, the author wants to find out those factors affecting the officer adjustment. Those who retire elder or suicide could not adjust well. Those whom adjust well, get high efficiency, contribution to his organization, promote ease. According to personal experience and research, the author found out that the officer should posses some good quality. These quality include I.Q., E .Q., leadership, viewpoint of value, ability of expressing, optimist, honest, humor, enthusiasm Basing on the relative researchers, the author got the following conclusion. The work stress, work trait, family problem affect the officer job satisfaction, turnover tendency, mental health. The officer’ recognition of work stress , coping skill, social support, organization commitment, belong to intermediate variables. The organization culture, organization climate, rating system and promoting system, all can affect the officer adjustment. The chance to got high position can affect the officer adjustment either. |