題 名 | 法國「未來學校引導規劃法案」對其師資培育制度影響之研究=A Study of the Influence of the French Law of Orientation and Programming for the Future of School |
作 者 | 張國蕾; | 書刊名 | 教育資料集刊 |
卷 期 | 36 2007.12[民96.12] |
頁 次 | 頁231-246 |
專 輯 | 教育變革與發展 |
分類號 | 522.942 |
關鍵詞 | 法國師資培育改革; 未來學校引導規劃法案; 教師培訓學院; 高等教育委員會; 教師培訓學院校長會議; Teacher's training reform in France; Future school guiding planning proposal; Teacher's training institution; High-level education committee; Teachers' training principal's conference; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 法國的師範教育源自1833年公布之《季索法案》(La loi Guizot),它促成師範學校的誕生。1989年法國教育部長喬斯班(Lionel Jospin)提出了《教育引導法案》(Loi d'orientation sur l'éducation),成立「教師培訓學院」(Institut Universitaire de Formation des Maîtres,IUFM)取代了師範學校,成為培育法國中小學教師的機構。但法國近年來教育改革的呼聲不斷,現任教長侯必安(Gilles de Robien)推動名為《未來學校引導規劃法案》(Loi d'orientation et de programme pour l'avenir de l'école)大規模的教育改革計劃。於2005年4月23日正式頒布施行的《未來學校引導規劃法案》。本文之研究目的,在於透過對此法案內與師資培育改革有關條文內容之介紹、探討這些條文至目前為止的實施情形、《未來學校引導規劃法案》內「師資培育」部分的改革範圍、與我國相關改革內容作一比較,掌握此一法國師資培育歷史上之重大變革、乃至於進一步推論其未來可能之發展。作者發現法國自2005年公布《未來學校引導規劃法案》以來所進行的師資培育改革,可說是一場計劃周詳、相當嚴謹的改革。無論在「課程時數」、「實習種類及時數」、「教師資格的授予」、「負責師資培育教師的資格」、「準教師工作能力的要求」、「初任教職之輔導」等方面的規劃上均較我國完善。不過,作者也認為,「併入」大學之後,「教師培訓學院」失去部分自主性。此外,作者認為也須注意:未來大學內的「教師培訓學院」與「其它教育相關系所系所」是否可能發生再一次的合併?再次合併時是否仍然會受到法國教育當局完善的規劃監督?這些均有待日後繼續追蹤觀察。 |
英文摘要 | The French teacher training system was originated from the "Guizot Proposal" proposed in 1833. In 1989, Lionel Jospin, the former Minister of Education, announced the "Education Guiding Proposal" and then, in 1990 he presented the "Teacher's Training Institution" (Institut universitaire de Formation des Maitres (IUFM). It was formally accepted and took over the role of the Normal Schools system. Such institution is quite effective in cultivating French future elementary and secondary teachers. Despite this fact, there were still callings for education reform due to the too abstract and less practical characters of the Teacher's Training Institution which were incapable to meet the future needs for managing all classes. As consequence, motivated by the current Principle Gilles de Robien, a movement of implementing the system, the so-called Future School guiding planning Proposal (loi d'orientation et de programme pour I'avenir de l'ecole) is coming into being. The regulations (89 rules in all), formally announced on the 23th April, 2005, were the most important and the largest educational reforming plans so far. Its contents included all aspects of the cultivation of elementary, secondary teachers. Among the rules, the 85th rules specifically stated that IUFM has to be merged and become one of its regional universities. That was a great change to French Teacher's Training System. This article studies all available articles relating to the teacher's training reform, and analyzes the effects of its implementation. |