- 以新穎之低溫水熱-化學電池法於鈦薄膜與鈦塊材上製備鈦酸鋇膜之研究
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題 名 | 以新穎之低溫水熱-化學電池法於鈦薄膜與鈦塊材上製備鈦酸鋇膜之研究=Preparation of BaTiO₃ Films on Ti/Si and Bulk-Ti by a Novel Low Temperature Hydrothermal-galvanic Couple Method |
作 者 | 詹佩諠; 揭由志; 呂福興; | 書刊名 | 防蝕工程 |
卷 期 | 21:4 2007.12[民96.12] |
頁 次 | 頁291-298 |
分類號 | 440.33 |
關鍵詞 | 水熱-化學電池法; 鈦薄膜; 鈦塊材; 鈦酸鋇; Hydrothermal-galvanic couple; Titanium films; Bulk titanium; Barium titanate; BaTiO₃; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究主要是以新穎之水熱-化學電池法於低溫下(<100℃)在鈦薄膜及鈦塊材上製備鈦酸鋇膜。其中鈦膜是以直流磁控濺鍍法鍍著於矽基材上,鈦塊材(純度99.7%)則須先經研磨拋光處理,再將二種試片置於2 M NaOH及0.5 M Ba (CH₃COO)₂溶液中進行反應。反應中以Ti/Si 或鈦塊材當做工作電極,而白金則做為陰極,且不外加任何電壓。X光繞射分析(XRD)結果顯示鈦膜於溫度80℃反應5分鐘後即可生成立方相之鈦酸鋇,而鈦塊材上則需15分鐘以上才可發現立方相鈦酸鋇的生成,而在場發射掃描式電子顯微鏡(FE-SEM)觀察中,在溫度高於55℃反應2小時後,Ti/Si與鈦塊材表面都會生成似球狀顆粒的鈦酸鋇,在固定反應溫度與時間,Ti/Si上生成的鈦酸鋇顆粒較鈦塊材多,顯示使用低溫水熱-化學電池法於鈦膜製備鈦酸鋇膜的成長速率明顯比鈦塊材要快,研究中也探討鈦酸鋇可能的成長機制。 |
英文摘要 | The objective of this study is to prepare of BaTiO3 films on Ti-coated silicon and bulk-Ti substrates by a novel hydrothermal-galvanic couple method at temperatures below 100 ℃. Ti films were deposited onto silicon wafers by d.c. sputtering. Bulk-Ti was mechanically ground and polished. In this hydrothermal-galvanic couple method, Ba(CH₃COO)₂ and NaOH alkaline solutions were employed as reaction solutions. Moreover, Ti/Si or bulk-Ti was used as the working electrode and Pt was utilized as the cathode, while no external voltage was applied. X-ray diffraction results show that cubic BaTiO3 films were successfully formed on Ti/Si and bulk-Ti for 2 h above 55℃ using the hydrothermal-galvanic couple method. BaTiO3 was formed at 80 ℃ for 5 min on Ti/Si while for 15 min on bulk-Ti. Field-emission scanning electron microscopy reveals a sphere-particulate morphology of BaTiO3 films above 55℃ for 2 h. The growth rate of BaTiO3 on Ti/Si is much faster than that on bulk-Ti by the new hydrothermal-galvanic couple method. The growth mechanism has been also discussed. |