題 名 | 父系家庭與女性差異認同:中產階級職業婦女家務分工經驗的跨世代比較=Identity Differences among Women in Patrilineal Families: A Cross-generational Comparison of the Division of Domestic Labor of the Middle-class Working Women |
作 者 | 林津如; | 書刊名 | 臺灣社會研究季刊 |
卷 期 | 68 2007.12[民96.12] |
頁 次 | 頁1-73 |
分類號 | 421 |
關鍵詞 | 性別; 家庭; 父系; 親屬; 工業化; 家務分工; 婆媳關係; Gender; The family; Patrilineal; Kinship; Industrialization; Divisions of domestic labor; Relationships between mothers-in-law and daughters-in-law; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 性別化的家務分工是女性主義者所關注的焦點議題,但在台灣的文化環境下,家務工作只是夫妻之間的事嗎?婆婆、媽媽、姑嫂、姐妹與褓姆在當代台灣社會的家務與育兒工作裡扮演了什麼角色?社會變遷是否改變了分工的模式?為什麼家務分工仍舊是性別化的? 本研究以婦女的口述史訪談為資料,探討工業化之後父系家庭中、不同世代之中產階級職業婦女的家務安排。筆者論証:父系作為規範親屬關係的原則,決定了家庭裡的家務分工,但它也在工業化的過程中逐漸改變。在1970工業發展的年代裡,過去高高在上的婆婆,為確保晚年生活安全無虞,不辭辛勞地到都市中帶孫子,年輕媳婦變得有權力但又想要當個乖媳婦;核心家庭中的妻子則想要專心當個完美母親。在1999年的後工業化社會中,核心家庭的性別分工漸趨平等,但折衷家庭裡,婆婆想要留下子媳,媳婦用盡辦法形成核心家庭,訓練先生做家事,再依附姐妹或者媽媽搭配著褓姆來照顧小孩。跨世代的兒童照顧工作,由婆婆轉換為媽媽,這或許是職業婦女以搬離夫家來抗衡父系的行動,所產生的預料之外的後果,但是卻默默地翻轉了從父居的父系原則。 本文以四十位女性的家務分工經驗呈現出父系家庭之下差異的女性認同,詮釋不同親屬位置的家庭成員如何援用各種資源來鞏固或對抗父系規範,最後總結:台灣中產階級的家務安排因市場經濟與父系親屬的交互作用而產生變遷,女性在父系家庭中的差異認同及抗拒策略雖然改變了父系規範,但有限的經濟資源,卻又使得性別化的家務分工持續存在。 |
英文摘要 | This paper investigates complicated relationships between patrilineal kinship, divisions of domestic labor, and women’s identities in industrial times. By analyzing the oral histories of two generations of new middle class working women with regard to their domestic arrangements, I argue that patrilineal kinship formed the basis of family interactions and affected the ways in which household chores were organized. In the 1970s, during economic expansion, the generational hierarchy declined and young daughters-in-law gained powers. To secure their old age, rural mothers-in-law might make efforts to take care of their grandchildren in the city. However, married young women were still trapped in the struggles between generation and gender. Meanwhile, in the newly formed nuclear family, women struggled to fulfill the image of a scientific good mother. In post-industrial Taiwan of late 1990s, the young working women gained greater autonomy than their counterparts in the 1970s. They left the patrilocal family to form nuclear families of their own. In nuclear families, they educated their husband to do housework and mobilized their matrilineal ties as resistance against patrilineal kin. This case study shows that the interplay of patrilineal kinship and capitalism contributed to the transformations of divisions of domestic labor in post-war Taiwanese families. Women’s diverse identities were shaped by patriliny and yet their resistance contributed to transform patrilocal principles. However, constrained by the limited economic resources of the elder women, the divisions of labor in contemporary Taiwan society remains gendered. |