題 名 | 雙薪家庭夫妻性別角色價值觀與家務分工--臺灣、上海與香港地區的比較 |
作 者 | 郭筱雯; 黃迺毓; | 書刊名 | 輔仁民生學誌 |
卷 期 | 15:1 2009.03[民98.03] |
頁 次 | 頁69-91 |
分類號 | 544.1 |
關鍵詞 | 性別角色; 家務分工; 雙薪家庭; Household division of labor; Social-culture context; Double income families; Married couples; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究主要以台灣、上海與香港三個地區雙薪家庭夫妻為對象,以黃迺毓等 (2001) 問卷為工具,進行性別角色價值觀、家務分工,與影響家務分工因素比較探討。結果發現,在性別角色價值觀方面,三個地區夫妻仍受傳統父權文化影響,均比較認同「傳統性別角色觀念」,比較不認同「性別責任與權力」,並且,丈夫都比妻子傳統。此外,三個地區也呈現一些差異,如上海妻子在「性別角色價值觀」最傳統。在家務分工方面,三個地區家務工作多由女性承擔,只是,在上海,家務的性別分工較不顯著。在影響家務分工原因部分,三個家務分工理論在台灣均獲得支持,在香港,以「性別角色理論」最獲得支持,在上海,則均未獲得顯著支持。 |
英文摘要 | The aim of this study was to investigate the difference of gender role ideology, household division of labor, and the effect of gender role on household division of labor. The researchers applied the questionnaire developed by Huang et al. (2000) for the dual career couples. Samples were drawn from Taiwan, Shanghai and Hong Kong. Results of this study showed that the three areas are effected by the patriarchal culture, and they were agreed in the dimensions of the “traditional gender role ideology”, and “the husband’s gender role ideology are more traditional than wife”. But, “gender duty and power” were not agreed more. However, there were some differences among three areas. For example, in Shanghai, married women were the most traditional. In all the three areas, wives did the more household than husbands. Only, household division of labor were not supported by gender in Shanghai. Beside, the Time-Useable theory, the resource theory, and the gender role ideology of household division of labor are agreed for Taiwan couples; and the gender role ideology are agreed for Hong Kong couples. The three theory of household division of labor are not agreed for Shanghai couples. |