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題 名 | 親屬法變革與法院功能之轉型=The New Paradigm of Taiwanese Family Law and the Changing Face of the Family Court |
作 者 | 李立如; | 書刊名 | 國立臺灣大學法學論叢 |
卷 期 | 41:4 2012.12[民101.12] |
頁 次 | 頁1639-1684 |
分類號 | 584.427 |
關鍵詞 | 親屬法變革; 子女最佳利益; 家庭隱私; 性別平等; 替代性紛爭解決途徑; 問題解決程序; 夫妻住所; 親權行使; Paradigm shift in family law; The best interests of the child; Family privacy; Gender equality; Alternative dispute resolution; Problem solving procedure; Martial residence; Child custody; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 自1990年代以來,我國親屬法發生重大變革,從以傳統倫常秩序與家庭價值為本的傳統法典範,轉變為以尊重個人自主、促進性別平等與維護子女最佳利益為依歸的新親屬法典範。隨著親屬法的變革,法院的任務更豐富,功能也更強化而多元。其不僅作為家庭成員間的爭端裁決者,更擔任未成年子女與其他弱勢者的權益保障與監督者。本文目的在探討親屬法變革與法院功能演變之關係,並以夫妻住所問題與未成年子女親權行使爭議為例,對法院介入之正當性、實效性及制度功能之妥適性進行反省與討論。本文認為,法院介入家庭事務的正當性,繫諸於家庭隱私與自治理念的定義與界限的釐清。其次,法院是否能有效協助家庭解決爭端,並對未成年子女福利進行持續有效的監督,與其所具備的功能有密切的關係。因此,亦有必要對程序制度設計、資源與專業人員之配置等議題進行檢討。法院正當性與制度功能的提昇,將有助於新親屬法典範實現其保障個人權益、貫徹性別平等及維護子女最佳利益的立法精神。 |
英文摘要 | Since the 1990s, Taiwanese family law has been experiencing the change from the traditional model, which reflects and reinforces traditional family values and practices, to a new model, promoting individual autonomy, gender equality and the best interests of the child. This change not only mirrors the evolving social norms and values regarding marriage, gender and family in Taiwan, but also indicates a new understanding and regulatory framework of the relationship among individual, family, and the state. Under the new paradigm of family law, courts are expected to take on more responsibilities. They are to assume various roles, including adjudicators, protectors, and overseers, to help solve family disputes/problems, protect disadvantaged family members, and promote the best interests of the child.This article is to discuss the changing face of the family court after the paradigm shift in law and provide a critical assessment. Drawing from two types of cases - the disputes over marital residence and child custody, the author raises concerns over the new tasks of the family court. Legitimacy of judicial interference and the institutional competence of the court, the article argues, are two issues critical to the performance of the court under the new family law model. The debate on family privacy and family autonomy helps clarify sources and limits of the legitimacy of judicial interference in family affairs. In addition, the new tasks invested to the family court require an overhaul of judicial system, including incorporating alternative dispute resolution and involving various professionals and resources. The article suggests that a paradigm shift in the family court system is called for to meet the challenge posed by the new development of family law. |