- 市售含益生菌奶粉中微生物品質之調查研究
- DANOFLOXACIN與其它11種抗菌劑在試管中對抗豬隻產毒性大腸桿菌及沙門氏菌屬的效能評估
- 即食品肉製品李斯特菌、金黃色葡萄球菌、大腸桿菌及大腸桿菌群之檢驗
- 成雞盲腸物質分離之菌種對沙門氏菌(Salmonella Typhtmurium)和大腸桿菌0157:H7體外成長的抑制
- 成雞盲腸物質分離之菌種對沙門氏菌(Salmonella Typhtmurium)和大腸桿菌0157:H7體外成長的抑制
- 餵予雞腸道微生物分離出的菌種能抑制雞沙門氏菌(Salmonella typhimurium)及大腸桿菌0157:H7的生長
- 餵予雞腸道微生物分離出的菌種能抑制雞沙門氏菌(Salmonella typhimurium)及大腸桿菌O157:H7的生長
- 餵予雞腸道微生物分離出的菌種能抑制雞沙門氏菌(Salmonella typhimurium)及大腸桿菌O157:H7的生長
- 市售中式半調理食品之微生物調查
- Antimicrobial Susceptibility and Resistance Gene Determinants in Clinical Escherichia coli and Salmonella Enterica Serovar Choleraesuis Swine Isolates
題 名 | 市售含益生菌奶粉中微生物品質之調查研究=Investigations on Microbial Qualities of Commercial Probiotics-containing Milk Powders |
作 者 | 許雅鈞; 高長風; 鍾月容; 施養志; | 書刊名 | 藥物食品檢驗局調查研究年報 |
卷 期 | 25 2007.10[民96.10] |
頁 次 | 頁323-334 |
分類號 | 412.37 |
關鍵詞 | 奶粉; 活性乳酸菌; 李斯特菌; 沙門氏菌; 大腸桿菌; Milk powder; Lactic acid bacteria; Listeria monocytogenes; Escherichia coli; Salmonella spp.; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本計畫於95年5月至12月間以價購方式於大台北地區抽購含益生菌奶粉共計15項,每項各2個批次,共計30件檢體,經檢測其乳酸菌含量,結果發現活性乳酸菌、雙叉桿菌及乳酸桿菌之菌數均與標示相符。除利用鏡檢、觸酶反應及API 50 CHL醣類發酵試驗等表現型鑑別試驗,亦針對檢體所含乳酸菌菌株選用6對引子組進行PCR反應,以鑑定檢體中乳酸菌種類,檢測結果所有檢體皆與產品標示菌株相符。乳品類衛生標準規定,乳粉中大腸桿菌群每公克最確數10以下,大腸桿菌陰性,不得檢出李斯特菌及沙門氏菌。本研究針對15項(30件)檢體之李斯特菌、沙門氏菌、大腸桿菌及大腸桿菌群進行檢驗,檢測結果均無不符合規定情形。 |
英文摘要 | To investigate the microbial qualities of commercial probiotics-containing milk powders, 30 samples were sampled and tested for the beneficial probiotics of lactobacillus, bifidobacterium and total viable lactic acid bacteria from May to December, 2006. The correspondence between bacterial species and those declared on the labels were identified by conventional biochemical and physiological tests and species-specific PCR. The results showed that the bacterial species used in all milk samples met those declared on the labels and the numbers of lactic acid bacteria in samples were all in compliance with the label claim. These samples were also examined for foodborne pathogens (Listeria monocytogenes, Salmonella spp.) and sanitary indicator bacteria (Escherichia coli and coliforms). All the samples met the requirement of sanitary standard announced by the Department of Health for milk and milk products: MPN of coliform bacteria per mL or per gram, not more than 10; MPN of E. coli per mL or per gram, negatives; L. monocytogenes and Salmonella spp. shall not be detected. |