- 國小學童之成就目標、動機與情感中介歷程以及學業成就間路徑模式之檢驗
- Achievement Goals and Maladaptive Learning: An Examination Within the Taiwanese Classroom
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- 教育目標結構與成就目標取向對國小學童自我阻礙行為及考試焦慮之預測作用
- 國中、小學生成就目標導向型態與其認知投入、考試焦慮、數學成就的關係
題 名 | 國小學童之成就目標、動機與情感中介歷程以及學業成就間路徑模式之檢驗=Children's Achievement Goals, Motivational and Affective Processes, and Academic Achievement: An Examination of a Mediational Model |
作 者 | 施淑慎; 曾瓊慧; 蔡雅如; | 書刊名 | 測驗學刊 |
卷 期 | 54:1 2007.06[民96.06] |
頁 次 | 頁31-57 |
分類號 | 521.1 |
關鍵詞 | 內在動機; 自我阻礙; 成就目標; 考試焦慮; Achievement goals; Intrinsic motivation; Self-handicapping; Test anxiety; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究以台北市242位國小六年級學童為研究對象,利用階層迴歸分析以及結構方程模式,探討不同類型的成就目標與個體的動機 (內在動機與自我阻礙) 以及情感歷程 (考試焦慮) 間的關係,並檢驗上述歷程對於成就目標與學童學業成就問之中介作用。研究結果證實成就目標三元架構之主張:三種目標各自會引發不同的動機及情感歷程,進而影響個體的學業表現。精熟目標取向者確實擁有較高水準的內在動機,較少運用自我阻礙策略,也較不會感受到考試焦慮;避免的表現目標則能夠正向預測自我阻礙及考試焦慮的情形;至於趨向的表現目標則直接作用在個體的學業成績上。此外,內在動機對學業成就具有正向之效應,而自我阻礙行為及考試焦慮則會負向地影響學業表現。 |
英文摘要 | Using hierarchical regression analysis and structural equation modeling, the present study attempted to examine the relations between achievement goals and children' s motivational (i.e., intrinsic motivation and self-handicapping) as well as affective processes (i.e., test anxiety) . The mediating effects of the individual's motivational and affective processes on the relationships between achievement goals and academic achievement were also explored. Two hundred and forty-two sixth-grade students participated in the study. Results sustained the trichotomous framework of achievement goals. Each type of goal led to distinct motivational and affective processes and in turn, affected the student's academic performance. Children with mastery goal orientations reported higher intrinsic motivation, engaged in less self-handicapping, and experienced lower levels of test anxiety. Performance-avoidance goals positively predicted children' s use of self-handicapping strategies and test anxiety. In contrast, performance-approach goals were associated with academic achievement directly. Additionally, intrinsic motivation positively predicted students' grades, whereas self-handicapping and test anxiety were correlated with academic achievement negatively. |