題 名 | 是「連續」還是「斷裂」?--臺灣小學教師角色變遷知覺之研究=Continuity or Rupture?--Elementary School Teachers' Awareness of the Changing Role of Teachers in Taiwan |
作 者 | 郭丁熒; | 書刊名 | 師大學報. 教育類 |
卷 期 | 51:1 民95.04 |
頁 次 | 頁41-62 |
分類號 | 523.352 |
關鍵詞 | 小學教師; 教師角色; 社會變遷; Elementary teachers' awareness; Changing role of teachers; Social change; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究旨在探討台灣小學教師對其角色變遷之知覺情形,並分析對教師角色變遷的知覺,究竟是具一貫的連續性或為不相容概念的斷裂。透過文獻探討、訪談及調查等方法進行資料蒐集。先以12位小學教師之訪談資料作為編製研究工具之依據,再使用研究者所編製之「國民小學教師角色變遷知覺量表」調查1287位小學教師,調查資料經以SPSS for Windows 10套裝軟體中次數分配、單因子多變項分析、薛費多重比較分析法及同質性檢定來進行資料處理與分析。研究結果發現: 1.小學教師已覺察到時代的脈動與教師角色之變遷。 2.教師在地位與權威的低落、現代的教學更需結合資訊科技或媒體、及現代的教學活動較多變化等角色變遷的同意程度最高。 3.教師對職業倫理式微變遷的同意程度較低。 4.教師在教學、教師特質、地位與權威、溝通交流等角色變遷的知覺具連續性。 5.教師在職業倫理角色變遷的知覺出現明顯斷裂。 6.就讀小學年代不同的教師在專業自主與發展角色變遷的知覺雖有差異,但並未有斷裂現象。 7.男女教師對教學與職業倫理角色變遷知覺不同。 最後,根據研究發現與結論提出「肯定小學教師已掌握時代脈動,各界宜多給予鼓勵與支持」、「正視教師職業倫理的斷裂現象,並建構與陶冶當代的職業倫理內涵」、「校務分工可提供不同性別教師擔任不同職務之機會」、「針對教師角色變遷之因果機制進行後續研究」等建議。 |
英文摘要 | This study explored elementary school teachers' perception of changing role of teachers in Taiwan. An "Inventory of elementary teachers' perception of changes in teachers' role" was used to survey 1287 subjects, in order to determine their level of awareness of series of factors. The data were statistically analyzed by Frequencies, MANOVA, and Homogeneity tests. The conclusions of this study are as follows: 1.There was a middle-to-high level of awareness of the changing role of elementary school teachers; 2.The highest level of awareness was with regard to the reduced "status and authority" of elementary school teachers; 3.The lowest level of awareness was with regard to the reduced emphasis on the "ethics" of elementary teachers' changing role; 4.There was a consistent (continuous) pattern of awareness for the 4 dimensions of this role change: "instruction," "teachers' features," "status and authority," and "communication and interflow."; 5.There was a discontinuous (ruptured) pattern of awareness for the "ethics" dimension of the changing role of elementary school teachers; 6.There was a significant (but not discontinuous) difference between the degree of awareness of teachers' changing role and the degree of awareness of teachers' professional autonomy and development; 7.Male and female teachers showed a significant difference in the degree of their awareness of teachers' changing role with regard to "instruction" and "ethics." |