題 名 | 臺灣優質水稻栽培之環境挑戰與因應措施=Environmental Challenge and Strategy for Quality Rice Culture in Taiwan |
作 者 | 盧虎生; 劉韻華; | 書刊名 | 作物、環境與生物資訊 |
卷 期 | 3:4 民95.12 |
頁 次 | 頁297-306 |
分類號 | 434.111 |
關鍵詞 | 水稻; 品質; 環境; Rice; Quality; Environment; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 摘要 自從1900 年代初期日本有計畫引進? 型 水稻栽培後,至今臺灣地區水稻栽培90%以 上為? 型品種。一般而言,? 型水稻適應於 溫帶環境,一年一作,全生育期140 日以上, 生育期間以日射量充足、日夜溫差大之環境 為佳。其穀粒之有效充實期長,充實期平均 氣溫25 度以下,產量高而米質外觀及食味優 良。與此等條件相較,臺灣位處亞熱帶,受 夏季颱風季節影響,每年分兩季栽培,一、 二期稻作生育環境迥然不同,但栽培相同類 型品種,生育期間溫度高,日夜溫差不大, 日射量不高,穀粒充實速率快而有效充實期 相對縮短,終至各期產量與品質皆未臻理 想。文獻預估未來臺灣地區更將遭遇夜溫上 昇、溫差縮小、日射量下降之不利趨勢。臺 灣大學農藝學系植物生理研究室整理臺灣各 地區1990 年以來16 年之氣象環境特性,分 析出各地區一、二期稻作之栽培環境特質, 並據以推論其對各區域水稻品質之影響。又 基於溫度及日照強度對水稻栽培的重要影 響,本報告進一步以近年來生理及分子生物 之研究結果,分析溫度及日照強度對稻米品 質形成的影響,說明低白堊質良質稻米形成 的安全環境。文中並歸納臺灣各栽培區域面 臨的環境挑戰並提出栽培及育種上可能的因 應策略。 |
英文摘要 | Japonica type rice has been cultivated more than 90% of the rice planting area in Taiwan, since it was introduced to the Island in the early 1900’s. Geographically japonica type rice distributes mostly in temperate zones, and is physiologically adapted to the temperate climate. With tropical cancer across its southern area Taiwan locates in the subtropical region. And it is the lowest latitude area where japonica type rice is dominantly cultivated. Thus, the subtropical climate is challengeable for the cultivation of japonica type rice in Taiwan. In addition the subtropical warm climate is also detrimental to the quality of japonica type rice. Improvement of rice grain quality is the primary focus in Taiwan. In the current report, we reviewed climate conditions which are suitable for the culture of good grain quality, including temperature and radiation. Based on the climate data from 1990 to 2005, we analyzed annual fluctuation of temperature and radiation for seven regions of Taiwan, and summarized potential climate challenges for growing quality rice in theseregions. Possible strategy in cultural practice management and breeding are also proposed. |