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題 名 | Leptin Changes in Taiwanese Girls with Central Precocious Puberty before and during the GnRH Agonist Treatment=早熟女性病童在使用性釋素同族素治療前後瘦素之變化 |
作 者 | 蘇本華; 王淑麗; 林瑾瑜; 陳家玉; 張賴昇平; 簡淑華; 陳素珍; | 書刊名 | 臺灣兒科醫學會雜誌 |
卷 期 | 46:5 民94.09-10 |
頁 次 | 頁278-283+330 |
分類號 | 417.12 |
關鍵詞 | 瘦素; 中樞性早熟; 性釋素同族素; 女童; Leptin; Central precocious puberty; Gonadotropin releasing hormone agonist; Girl; |
語 文 | 英文(English) |
中文摘要 | 血漿中瘦素在兒童青春期時所扮演的因果角色一向是令人感興趣的,我們研究37位中樞性早熟患者在以性釋素同族素治療前後之血漿中瘦素及相關荷爾蒙濃度,並分析其與臨床相關因子的關係後發現:血漿中瘦素濃度在早熟患者發病和治療前後並無明顯改變,不具統計上的意義;只有與身體質量指數、體重和骨齡有相關,具統計上的意義。因此我們的結論是:本研究發現以促性激素同族素治療性早熟患者,當治療後血漿中E2、FSH、LH均回復正常時,瘦素的濃度仍無任何明顯變化,只與身體質量指數有關連,顯示血漿中瘦素濃度在兒童青春期時會上升的現象,可能為身體質量上升的結果。 |
英文摘要 | To examine the relationship between leptin serum levels and pubertal development in girls with progressive central precocious puberty. We longitudinally investigated the leptin levels of 37 girls with central precocious puberty before and during treatment with the gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist depot (leuprorelin acetate). Leptin and other hormone levels were determined by radioimmunoassay. Girls with central precocious puberty before treatment showed no significant difference in leptin levels as compared to the puberty stage at diagnosis of disease. In addition, the changes in leptin concentrations of girls with central precocious puberty during treatment were not statistically significant. In the Spearman correlation analysis of leptin levels with body mass index, bone age, chronological age, clinical pubertal signs along with luteinizing, follicle-stimulating, and estradiol hormone levels, we found that body mass index, weight, and chronological age were significantly correlated with leptin levels (p<0.05) at both 3 and 6 months of leuprorelin treatment. Leptin levels increased with body mass index; however, this trend did not reach statistical significance at all follow-up time points. These data demonstrated that treatment with depot gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist does not influence leptin concentrations. Serum leptin levels in patients with central precocious puberty are associated with body weight and body mass index. |