題 名 | 綠色種與紫色種狼尾草雜交種之品質與產量性狀研究=Agronomic Traits, Forage Yield and Quality of Interspecific Hybrids Crossed by the Green and the Brown Mid-rib Napiergrasses |
作 者 | 成游貴; 王紓愍; 陳玉燕; | 書刊名 | 畜產研究 |
卷 期 | 39:1 民95.03 |
頁 次 | 頁35-46 |
分類號 | 434.4 |
關鍵詞 | 紫色狼尾草; 育種; 牧草產量; 牧草品質; Browin mid-rib napiegrass; Breeding; Forage yield; Forage quality; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究主要目的在於狼尾草臺畜草二號(綠色種)與紫色種狼尾草進行種間雜交,以探討雜交種之產量與品質性狀,供進一步選育之參考。狼尾草臺畜草二號為目前之栽培種,而紫色狼尾草為臺灣之自生種。由雜交種外表顏色調查結果顯示,紫色種佔總數約13%。由雜交種中選出農藝性狀較優者繁殖營養系共61個品系,經RAPD分析結果,不論是綠色或紫色種皆為雜交種。由產量與品質調查結果,牧鮮草產量方面,綠色種平均高於紫色種,綠色種與狼尾草臺畜草二號相近,乾物產量與鮮草產量有相同趨勢。牧草品質方面,紫色種粗蛋白質高於綠色種,酸洗與中洗纖維則綠色種、紫色種與親本皆相近,水溶性碳水化合物方面,綠色種高於紫色種,綠色種平均與狼尾草臺畜草二號相近,乾物質消化率方面,紫色種較優於綠色種。總合以上結果,綠色種於產量及水溶性碳水化合物方面較佳,而紫色種則於粗蛋白質與乾物質消化率方面較佳。由以上營養系調查結果顯示,不論於生長期6週或8週,選出之品系中有部分品系於品質或產量優於臺畜草二號,顯示此色狼尾草於品質改善方面扮演重要角色,將繼續調查與評估後選出優良品系。 |
英文摘要 | Napiergrass (Pennisetum purpureum, CV. TLG2) is a main for grazing animals in Taiwan. Among them, strain NBM is an original vegetation with browin mid-rib and purple color in the whole plant. The objective of this study was to determine the agronomic traits, forage yield and quality of napiergrass hybrids crossed by Strain NBM and CV. TLG2. As the results of hybridization, there were 13% of progenies with purple color in the whole plant. Sixty-one plants were selected from the hybrid population being as different clones. All the clones were proved hybrids after RAPD analysis. Preliminary results, showed that both forage yield and water soluble carbohydrate content of the hybrids with green types were higher than those with brown clones, however, both crude protein content and in vitro dry matter digestibility of the hybrids with brown clones were higher than those green ones. Some hybrid lines shoed higher forage yield, crude protein content, in vitro dry matter digestibility and water soluble carbohydrate content than did CV. TLG2. It is suggested that brown midrib gene fro Strain NBM played a certain role in forage quality. Further investigation is required for a better evaluation. |