- 施用牛糞及豬糞對盤固草產量品質及土壤地力之影響
- 施用牛糞及豬糞堆肥對狼尾草產量、品質及土壤地力之影響
- 長期施用牛糞及豬糞堆肥後殘餘效應對盤固草產量、品質及土壤地力之影響
- Effects of Cattle and Hog Manures on Forage Yield and Quality of Napiergrass
- 長期施用牛糞及豬糞堆肥後殘餘效應對狼尾草產量、品質及土壤地力之影響
- Effect of Composts of Animal Wastes on Forage Yield and Chemical Compositions of Pangolagrass and Soil Fertility
- Effect of Cutting Stage on Forage Yield and Quality of Nilegrass and Pangolagrass
- 酸洗法處理後重金屬污染土壤地力回復之研究
- 長期施用牛糞堆肥對土壤重金屬之累積效應及適宜施用量評估
- 牛羊糞堆肥施用盤固草對產量及品質之影響
題 名 | 施用牛糞及豬糞對盤固草產量品質及土壤地力之影響=Effects of Cattle and Hog Manures on Forage Yield and Quality of Pangolagrass and Soil Fertility |
作 者 | 許福星; 洪國源; 盧啟信; | 書刊名 | 中華農學會報 |
卷 期 | 187 1999.09[民88.09] |
頁 次 | 頁101-107 |
分類號 | 434.2311 |
關鍵詞 | 盤固草; 堆肥; 牧草產量; 牧草品質; 土壤地力; 重金屬; Pangolagrass; Manure; Forage yield; Forage quality; Soil fertility; Heavy metal; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 隨著畜產事業的發達,禽畜排泄量也隨著增加。本試驗的目的在探討牛糞及豬糞堆肥施於盤固草地後對其產量、化學成分及土壤地力之影響,並探討施用堆肥後,是否有重金屬銅或鋅在土壤或植體中造成累積。 盤固草 A254 牧草地,分成不施肥、全施化肥 N:P�烙�砥GK�烙=400:144:150 kg/ha/year、全施牛糞或豬糞,相當於含N 400 kg/ha及化肥中一半氮素由牛糞或豬糞取代等六種處理。經過七年試驗結果,株高及乾物產量均以全施牛糞及牛糞加化肥者較高,其次為豬糞加化肥,再次為全施豬糞及全施化肥,以不施肥者最低。施用牛糞或豬糞會增加植體中粗蛋白質、磷、鉀、鈣及鎂的含量。重金屬銅及鋅在植體中的含量因豬糞施用而顯著增加,而且鋅比銅較易被植體吸收而在植體中累加。盤固草地施用堆肥後,土壤pH值、電導度、有機質、總氮、有效性磷、鉀、鈣及鎂等含量均顯著增加,施用堆肥有防止土壤酸化的文效果,但施用豬糞堆肥會導致土壤中銅及鋅之含量顯著增加。因此盤固草地長期施用牛糞或豬糞堆肥可改善土壤地力,維持牧草生產力,但須注意含銅及鋅豬糞堆肥之施用,會使重金屬銅及鋅在植體或土壤中過度累積造成污染。 |
英文摘要 | The amounts of waste excreted by livestock were increased with the development of animal industry in Taiwan. The objectives of the experiment were to determine the effect of cattle and hog manures on forage yield and quality of pangolagrass (Digitaria decumbens) and soil fertility and determine if heavy metals copper and zinc accumulated in the plant or soil after manure application. Pangolagrass pasture, CV. A254, was applied with 6 different fertilizers, i. e., no fertilizer, chemical fertilizer applied with N:P�烙��:K�烙=400:144:150 kg/ha, all cattle or hog manure equivalent to N 400 kg/ha, and one half of N replaced by cattle or hog manure. The plots applied with cattle manure only or one half of N replaced by cattle manure had the highest plant height and dry matter yield, followed by the treatment with one half of N replaced by hog manure, then followed by hog manure and chemical fertilizer applied only. The plot with no fertilizer applied was the least. The contents of crude protein, P,K,Ca and Mg were increased in the plants applied with cattle or hog manure. Both contents of heavy metals Cu and Zn were significantly increased in the plants due to being applied with hog manure. Further, Zn was more easily absorbed and accumulated in the plant than was Cu. The pH value, electric conductivity and the contents of organic matter, total N, available P,K, Ca and Mg in soil were significantly increased when the plots were applied with cattle or hog manure. The application of manure could prevent acidifying in soil. However, both contents of Cu and Zn were significantly increased in soil when hog manure was applied. It showed that long term application of cattle or hog manure could improve soil fertility and maintain forage productivity. It was suggested to pay attention to the accumulation of both heavy metals Cu and Zn in the plant or soil when Cu and Zn-enriched hog manure was applied in the pasture. |