題 名 | 從民調儀式觀點看臺灣報紙民調新聞:以2000年總統大選為例=2000 Presidential Election Poll of Press in Taiwan: A Viewpoint of Polling as Ritual |
作 者 | 鍾起惠; | 書刊名 | 民意研究季刊 |
卷 期 | 223 民94.06 |
頁 次 | 頁1-40 |
分類號 | 895.6 |
關鍵詞 | 民意; 民意調查; 民意調查新聞; 選舉新聞; 媒介與選舉; Public opinion; Public opinion survey; Poll; Election news; Media and election; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 蘇格拉底認為民意比知識模糊,比無知清楚(張美惠譯,1996:57),的確如此。民調以其科學的華麗外衣進入民主神話的殿堂後,民意、民調,以及民調新聞幾乎成為同義詞。2000年的臺灣總統選舉,就出現民調與民調新聞浮濫的惡質現象,民調搖身一變成為新聞事件的中心,它不僅成為預知未來的資訊來源,也激起了媒體的新聞競爭。根據了解臺灣的五家媒體在選前十五個月當中所進行的民調次數就超過二百次以上,這還不包括民調之委託、執行、學術機構、政黨、政治人物或民間社團基金會等單位所執行的部分。 本研究援引民調儀式觀的諸多概念,例如祭司(執行者)、特定腳本(民調方法、問卷與統計等)、近用資格者(委託者、學者專家等)、儀式符碼(圖表與數據)等儀式元素,來檢視十五家國內報紙的1,027則民調新聞之產製面貌。 研究發現報紙對民調委託者及執行者的守門行為相當寬鬆易為二者操控;而賽馬新聞報導風格則令民調資訊流於膚淺單向;同時民調新聞的媒體結構性偏差相當嚴重。因此以民調做為民主議題的儀式化行動,其被濫用與操弄徒令民意的本質原貌更模糊,這似乎也是媒體與民調研究者在報導或研究民調(新聞)時,必須反覆思索的問題。 |
英文摘要 | According to Socrates, public opinion is vague than knowledge but clearer than ignorance, and it is indeed the truth. Ever since p poll invaded the temple of democratic mythology under its scientific colorful appearance, there has been no difference between public opinion, public opinion survey, poll and the press. In 2000 Presidential election, the news about Poll was so much than ever that it became the most important part of the press. It was not only the source of prediction to future but also the cause of press competition. It is absurd that there were more than 200 polls during the 15 months ahead of the presidential election, and this number did not include the survey entrusted by political parties, scholars, politicians, or other foundations. This research fits the ritual concept to each character, such as: distinct and specialized personal (pollster), scripts, model of footing is useful for describing the performance dimensions of polling… (questionnaire, statistics), restricted access (client, scholars), restricted codes of communication (charts, data) to examine the production of poll news. It is found that the final result of the poll is easily be manipulated by the client and the person who carries out the mission. And the race horse coverage style makes the poll news shallow and the structure is also severely false. Therefore, the ritualization of the poll blurs the nature of public opinion. |