題 名 | 民意調查的理想國--一個深思熟慮民調的探討=Utopia of Public Opinion Poll--A Discussion of Deliberative Poll |
作 者 | 楊意菁; | 書刊名 | 民意研究季刊 |
卷 期 | 204 1998.04[民87.04] |
頁 次 | 頁63-76 |
分類號 | 540.19 |
關鍵詞 | 深思熟慮民調; 公共討論; 民主政治; 民意調查; 民意; 面對面民主; Deliberative poll; Public discussion; Democratic politics; Public opinion poll; Public opinion; Face to face democracy; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 民意調查已成為許多人認知民意的主要概念,然而展現民主政治下溝通討論、以 及市民必須在完備知識下表達意見的民意本質,卻無法反應在集結方式的民意調查中。所以 本論文旨在還原民主政治下民意精神與意義,強調深思熟慮過程在民主政治民意形成的必要 性,並探討傳統一般民意調查對民主政治的弔詭,進而闡述一個深思熟慮民意調查的價值與 重要性。 本文共分五個部份,第一個部份為前言;第二個部份探討民主政治與民意的關係與精神,以 點出深思熟慮民調的意義;第三個部份則分析民意調查對民主民意所產生的問題意識;第四 個部份說明深思熟慮民調的起源、發展及執行過程;最後一個部份則討論深思熟慮民調的相 關問題,以及本文的結論。 |
英文摘要 | Public opinion poll (survey) has become the major concept of people thinking about public opinion. However, the structure of opinion poll can not reflect the nature of public opinion that is based on people's deliberative thinking, communication and dialogue in their political lives. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to explore the meaning and spirit of public opinion and the value of deliberative procedure in forming public opinion under democratic politics. More-over, this paper is to discuss some questions of opinion poll that are conflicted with democratic thinking, and explain the importance and value of deliberative poll in modern democratic society. The first part of this paper is foreword. The second part is a general review of relationships between democratic politics and pulbic opinion, and spirits of them. The third part is an analysis of pubic opinion poll's problems. The forth part is to explain the origin, development and study procedure of deliberative po . The last part is the discussion and conclusion of this paper. |