- 天羅地網CANTOR集
- LQR/RPS Design of Robust Controllers for a One-Link Robot
- A Novel Optimal Method for Improving the Predicted Accuracy of GM(1,1) Model
- A GA-Based Neural Network with Supervised and Reinforcement Learning
- The Calculation of Real-μ and the Design of Robust Stabilizing Controllers Using Interval Method
- Ranking Fuzzy Sets with Signed Distance and Fuzzy Inventory without Backorder Based on Statistical Data
- 應用基因演算法於半導體製程控制之研究--以化學機械研磨為例
- 教師參與國科會自編教材計畫自編教材從懷疑到了解的轉變
- 實數的完備性
- 連結生活化情境與生產性練習的數學教學之探討