題 名 | 市售蔬果殘留農藥監測=Monitoring the Pesticide Residues in Marketed Fruit and Vegetable |
作 者 | 鍾仁健; 沈孜徽; 溫惠琴; 李蕙芳; 蘇淑珠; 陳泰華; 鄭守訓; 徐錦豐; 周薰修; | 書刊名 | 藥物食品檢驗局調查研究年報 |
卷 期 | 23 民94.09 |
頁 次 | 頁241-259 |
分類號 | 412.37 |
關鍵詞 | 蔬果; 殘留農藥; 監測; Fruit and vegetable; Pesticide residue; Monitoring; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 九十三年度由台灣地區各縣市(政府)衛生局每月抽送蔬果檢體,分別送至本局及中、南、東各檢驗站,依行政院衛生署公告食品中殘留農藥檢驗方法-多重殘留分析法,進行79 種農藥項目的檢驗。全台共抽驗1276 件蔬果檢體,檢驗結果,其中不符規定者8 件,佔0.6%。1018 件蔬菜檢體中,不符規定者7 件,佔0.7%。蔬菜檢體中亦包括有機蔬菜53 件,1 件檢出農藥殘留,其檢出量在殘留農藥安全容許量之內。258 件水果檢體中,不符規定者1 件,佔0.4%。8 件不符規定蔬果檢體之原因分析,因超過容許量而不合格者5 件,檢出規定不得檢出之農藥者2 件,另1 件檢出4 種農藥殘留,超過容許量及不得檢出而檢出者各2 種;對不符規定者,地方衛生機關均已依食品衛生管理法處辦。 |
英文摘要 | A survey for monitoring the pesticide residues in marketed fruit and vegetable was conducted. A total of 1,276 fruit and vegetable samples were acquired by the local health bureaus from the supermarkets and traditionalmarkets in Taiwan. The samples were analyzed by using the multi-residue methods in food, which were promulgated by the Department of Health, to determine 79 types of pesticides. Seven in 1018 (0.7%) vegetable samples and one in 258 (0.4%) fruit samples were found to contain pesticide residues and violated the regulation set by the Department of Health. There was one type of pesticide residue found in one of the 53 organic vegetable samples. The overall violation ratewas 0.6%.Of the samples that violated the regulations, five samples were found containing pesticide residues at the level that exceeded the tolerance, two samples containing pesticide residues that were not allowed in fruits and vegetables, and one contained four types of pesticide residues. The local government enforced the penalty according to the Food Sanitation Management Act. |