- 結合RV-M1機械手與接觸式量測探頭於平面量測之可行性研究
- 電腦輔助神經外科手術模擬暨定位系統之發展
- 提升裝配效率之動態式機器人裝配動作介紹
- Robot Kinematics Estimation and Positioning Compensation with Laser Tracking System
- 微機械手臂
- Topological Synthesis and Geometry Analysis for Hand-Object Mechanisms
- Prosthetic Valve Endocarditis Complicating Acute Obstruction of a Mechanical Mitral Valve Successfully Treated with Antibiotics and Thrombolytic Therapy
- Correlation between Inertia Sensitivity Indices and Process Capability as a Robot Performance Measures
- The Control of a Biped Locomotion in the Frontal Plane
- 高速棧板化機械人