- Excessive Myopia and Anisometropia Associated with Familial Exudative Vitreoretinopathy
- Prevalence of Anisometropia in Taiwanese Schoolchildren
- A Measurement Algorithm for Evaluating Light Flicker Effect of Light Sources and a Design of a Portable Light Fliciker Meter
- 高雄地區九所高中職專二年級學生近視狀況與環境因素之研究
- 全身性紅斑狼瘡急性發作期導致暫時性高度近視及結膜水腫--病例報告
- Familial Correlation of the Optical Components between Myopic Children
- 高度近視之準分子雷射多層切割之術後評估
- Astigmatic Change Following Congenital Ptosis Surgery
- 高度近親病人之閃爍融合閾值的變化
- A Review of Myopia Studies in Taiwan