- 全身性紅斑狼瘡急性發作期導致暫時性高度近視及結膜水腫--病例報告
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題 名 | 全身性紅斑狼瘡急性發作期導致暫時性高度近視及結膜水腫--病例報告=Transient High Myopia with Severe Chemosis in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus--A Case Report |
作 者 | 梁中玲; 李瑞鋒; 郭錫恭; 賴盈州; 鄭添財; | 書刊名 | 中華民國眼科醫學會雜誌 |
卷 期 | 38:1 1999.03[民88.03] |
頁 次 | 頁109-116 |
分類號 | 416.74 |
關鍵詞 | 全身性紅斑狼瘡; 暫時性高度近視; 結膜水腫; Systemic lupus erythematosus; Transient myopia; Chemosis; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本文報告一例二十五歲男性為全身性紅斑狼瘡急性發作患者併發主眼暫時性高度 近視及兩側眼窩和結膜水腫。在近視發作期間前房明顯狹窄,此情況與全身水腫無關,卻對 全身性類固醇的治療反應良好。在眼睛發病時期,血清補體及抗雙股核甘酸抗體均有明顯變 化。我們認為暫時性近視合併結膜水腫了作為紅斑性狼瘡的一個臨床表徵,本文並將討論其 致病機轉。 |
英文摘要 | A 25-year-old male with systemic lupus erythematosus(SLE) developed transient high myopia(-6.50D) in the left eye and bilateral periorbital / conjunctiva] chemosis during his lupus flares. A marked reduction in the depth oFthe anterior chamber was observed during the myopic episode. The condition was not associated with systemic edema and responded well to the systemic administration of corticosteroid. Serum complements and anti-dsDNA antibody levels changed at the attack of ocular symptoms. We concluded that transient myopia with severe chemises may be presenting signs ofSLE and the possible etiologies are discussed. |