- 母豬於懷孕前期及後期不同飼料餵量對繁殖及仔豬生長之影響
- Effects of Providing High Nutrient Density Diet to Primiparous Sows during Hot Season on Reproductive Performance of Sows and Growth of Piglets
- 不同熱環境下母豬於懷孕期和哺乳期的氧化壓力狀態和繁殖性能的影響
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- 熱環境下哺育仔豬數對母豬繁殖性能和仔豬生長之影響(2)--經產母豬
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題 名 | 母豬於懷孕前期及後期不同飼料餵量對繁殖及仔豬生長之影響=Effects of Level of Feed Provision During D0 to D30 Postmating and D91 to Farrowing on Reproductive Performance of Sows and Growth of Piglets |
作 者 | 廖宗文; 蘇天明; 劉建甫; 蔡金生; | 書刊名 | 畜產研究 |
卷 期 | 37:4 2004.12[民93.12] |
頁 次 | 頁359-364 |
分類號 | 437.654 |
關鍵詞 | 母豬; 懷孕期; 飼料餵量; 繁殖性能; 仔豬生長; Sow; Pregnancy; Feed provision; Reproductive performance; Piglet growth; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究旨在探討母豬於懷孕前期及懷孕後期之不同飼料量對繁殖性能及仔豬生長的影響。78頭第二牽母豬依發情順序迎機分成四組,母豬於配種後至懷孕第30日之懷孕前期,分別日餵2.0 kg或3.0 kg懷孕期飼料,爾後,所有母豬皆維持日餵2.0 kg,懷孕期第91日至分娩之懷孕後期,則前述兩飼料餵量組母豬分別再區備 2.4 kg或3.0 kg等飼料餵量組。試驗期間測定母豬於懷孕期及哺乳期體重及背脂厚度變化,出生窩仔數及活仔的數、哺乳期母豬體重及背脂厚度變化、仔豬增重又育成率性狀。試驗共完成第二產74胎及第三產68胎之母豬懷孕期及哺乳期之繁殖性能測定。結果顯示,母豬於懷孕前期及懷孕後期之不同飼料餵量,對分娩窩仔數及出生活仔數有顯著的(P<0.05)的影響,而母的於懷孕前及後期皆餵飼3.0kg者,則分娩窩仔數以及出生活仔數顯著較其他各組為大,然而離乳仔豬數及哺乳期之仔豬育成率各處理組間差異不顯著,仔豬出生重以懷孕前期及後期皆日餵2.0kg者最重,然而哺乳期之仔豬增重以母豬於懷孕前期及後期皆餵飼3.0kg者顯著較輕,顯示母豬於懷孕期及後期皆增加飼料餵飼量並無法裨益哺乳仔豬生長性能。 |
英文摘要 | The experiment was conducted to investigate the effect of level of feed provision during d 0 to d 30postmating and d 91 to farrowing on the reproductive performance of sows and growth of piglets. A total of seventy-eight 2nd parity sows were used as experiment animals. Sows were allocated to two feed provision groups, i.e., 2.0 or 3.0 kg/d. during d 0 to 30 postmating. From d 31 to d 90 postmating, all sows were provided daily with 2.0 kg of pregnant diet. From d 91 to farrowing, the previous feed provision groups were subdivided into 2 groups, i.e., 2.4 or 3.0 kg/d. Four feed provison combinations were formed. The body weight gain and backfat thickness change of sows were measured. Effect of levels of feed provision during d 0 to d 30 postmating and d 91 to farrowing on litter size at farrowing and piglet growth in lactating period were determined also. Results showed that there was significant (P<0.05) feed provision effect on the litter size at birth and live piglets. Sows provided with 3.0 kg/d during d 0 to d 30postmating and d 91 to farrowing had larger litter size at birth and live piglets. There were no difference in litter size at weaning or survival rate during subsequent lactaing period. Nevertheless, the weight gain of piglets during lactating period was reduced for sows fed 3.0 kg/d during d 0 to d 30 postmating and d 91 to farrowing when compared with the control group. In conclusion, sows fed 3 kg feed during d 0 to d 30postmating and d 91 to farrowing could not benefit the piglet growth during lactating period. |