題 名 | 身心障礙福利機構健康管理之原則=Principles for Health Services Management for Persons with Disabilities in Welfare Institutions |
作 者 | 林金定; 嚴嘉楓; 羅慶徽; 吳佳玲; | 書刊名 | 身心障礙研究 |
卷 期 | 2:4 民93.10 |
頁 次 | 頁193-201 |
分類號 | 548.2 |
關鍵詞 | 身心障礙; 身心障礙福利機構; 健康管理; 健康政策; Disability; Health services management; Health policy; Welfare institution; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 居住於機構之身心障礙者的健康的維護,實有賴機構完善的健康管理計畫之推動,而機構員工是維護身心障礙者健康的主要推手,他們悉心的觀察記錄及適時協助就醫,以及醫療體系之專業人員提供適切的服務,才能正確的掌握智障者健康狀況。本文主要目的乃在探討機構員工於身心障礙者健康狀況與健康促進扮演之角色,以及其在維護身心障礙者健康所應掌握的原則等。文章主要以身心障礙者之健康政策制定原則、健康促進與預防服務等二個面向深入分析。本文強調身心障礙人口群除了一般性疾病的治療外,尚需有專科醫師的介入;機構員工必需協調設立機構健康專業的諮詢團隊,以有效的為身心障礙者設計健康照護計畫,一旦機構身心障礙者有任何健康上的問題,可以根據健康專業團隊所提供的建議,作出正確的協助及輔導,以有效的增進機構身心障礙者的健康,提昇其生活品質。 |
英文摘要 | People with disabilities should have the same health rights and opportunities as others in the community. The welfare institutions and their staff should be supported and strengthened health service plans for people with disabilities wherever possible. The purpose of this paper is to develop the principles of health service management for persons with disabilities living in institutions. This paper highlights that the staff of the welfare institutions should work together to overcome the barriers of effective health services management for persons with disabilities living in institutions. People with disabilities, their families, carers or institutional staffs and healthcare professionals are to be involved in policy making to maintain the appropriate health status and improve the quality of life for people with disabilities. |