題 名 | 健康需求評估應用於身心障礙福利機構健康促進計畫初探=Preliminary Findings of Health Needs Assessment on Health Promotion Planning for People with an Intellectual Disability in an Institution |
作 者 | 嚴嘉楓; 羅慶徽; 林金定; 陳美花; 吳佳玲; 李宗楠; 馮世祥; | 書刊名 | 身心障礙研究 |
卷 期 | 2:4 民93.10 |
頁 次 | 頁214-228 |
分類號 | 412.775 |
關鍵詞 | 健康管理; 需求評估; 身心障礙福利機構; 健康促進; 智能障礙; Health management; Health need; Health promotion; Institution; Intellectual disability; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究主要目的乃應用健康促進理論於身心障礙福利機構中,針對機構內之智障者進行健康需求評估,並進而推動機構健康促進計畫。智能障礙者在機構內長時間的托育或住宿,必須藉由完善的健康管理制度來確保其生活品質。研究者欲將場所性的健康促進理論應用於以智能障礙者為主要服務對象之福利服務機構內,除了希望有效提升智障者的健康,並期望達到機構永續健康管理之目標。研究方法主要以橫斷性(cross-sectional study)量性及質性資料收集方式為主,立意取樣選取台北縣一家以智能障礙者為主要服務對象之私立身心障礙服務機構;在量性資料上以蒐集與分析該機構院生最近一次之健康檢查紀錄;質性方面主要是採用焦點團體訪談法進行資料收集,主要對象為機構主要的照顧者與健康管理相關服務之人員;機構健康需求評估進行期間為2004年1月1日至2004年6月30日。研究結果顯示該院生障礙程度以中、重度為主(65.3%),有28.3%的院生接受機構的住宿服務;院生年齡分布在17-55歲之間,其中21-30歲人數最多佔了56.6%。健康檢查結果顯示院生最主要的健康問題在於體重過重及肥胖(54.5%)及血色素異常(43.4%);焦點團體訪談結果顯示受訪者認為院生目前最主要的健康問題分別為肥胖、香港腳、牙齒口腔問題、癬及其他皮膚病、精神疾病(包含自閉症)、癲癇、過瘦及其他(包含尿酸、壓力處理、糖尿病等),其中以院生的肥胖問題最嚴重。在機構未來推動健康促進計畫之健康方案設計,本研究結果提供了一個實證性的資料,這些資料清楚的界定機構智能障礙者之健康需求,給予未來的方案計畫明確的方向,並據以訂定階段性目標。健康需求評估是機構在推動健康促進計畫之基礎,也是機構永續健康管理的有效方式。 |
英文摘要 | Studies of the prevalence of health conditions among persons with ID living in institutions report that these individuals carry a burden of diseases which is greater than the rest of population. A key challenge for the delivery of healthcare to those people caring in institutions is how to coordinate or integrate different disciplines and sectors with these care services. The aim of this paper was to identify the health needs of people with intellectual disabilities caring in an institution, in order to implement health promotion plan in this setting. A cross-sectional study was employed; we collected quantitative data from annual health check of people with intellectual disabilities (N=99) and a qualitative focus-group (6 participants) was also conducted to identify the health needs of this group in institution. The annual health check showed that overweight or obese and hemachrosis were the main health risks of the study subjects. Most focus-group participants stated that obese, athletic feet and skin problems, dental problem, mental problems (included autism), epilepsy and underweight (malnutrition) often bothered the people with intellectual disabilities in their daily livings. From the above findings, the 'body weight' issue, either obese or skinny was the urgent important issue among people with intellectual disabilities living in an institution. Based on the health needs assessment, there will be a number of projects will be conducted to deal with their health problems in the future. |