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題 名 | 身心障礙福利機構院生「減重」方案之發展初探:方法與過程=Preliminary Findings of Healthy Weight Management for People with Intellectual Disabilities Caring in an Institution: Method and Process |
作 者 | 嚴嘉楓; 林金定; 吳美霖; 邱春惠; | 書刊名 | 身心障礙研究 |
卷 期 | 3:1 2005.03[民94.03] |
頁 次 | 頁18-32 |
分類號 | 548.2 |
關鍵詞 | 身心障礙福利機構; 智能障礙; 健康促進方案; 體重管理; Disability institution; Health program; Intellectual disability; Weight management; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 協助智能障礙者促進健康是身心障礙福利機構員工重要的工作之一,這些工作內涵包括協助他們重新獲得、增進及維持健康,主要的方式除了透過瞭解他們過去的健康狀況或疾病治療情形、審視目前機構預防性健康服務的利用等,以提供適當協助及制定符合他們健康需求的衛生政策。本研究主要目的乃在於藉由某身心障礙福利機構健康需求評估之結果,以「減重」為推動健康促進之優先項目,設計一系列針對院生減重的健康促進計畫,研究著重於實行健康促進方案的執行過程與評估。該機構參與健康促進方案共計83位院生,男生有53位(63.9%),女生有30位(36.1%),年齡分布在18-56歲,78.9%院生障礙類別為智能障礙,19.3%是以智能障礙為主的多重障礙者,在障礙等級分布中發現3.4%的院生為輕度,中、重度佔67.3%,極重度則有29.3%。整體健康促進方案之執行期間為民國九十三年七月一日至同年十一月三十一日止,減重方案主要以飲食控制及定期運動兩種方式著手。而減重介入計畫之評估方法主要分成飲食紀錄、運動紀錄與各式運動紀錄表,並以身高、體重、身體質量指數及體脂肪等測量值作為評估指標。研究結果顯示本減重方案之介入,在短期內並無明顯的效果,但介入過程與方式對機構院生與參與的老師已經造成正面的影響,介入方案已經潛移默化地改變院生的態度與行為,所以我們期待在健康促進永續經營的理念下,持續執行智障者的減重方案,促進智障者的健康以提升其生活品質。 |
英文摘要 | Health promotion plan for people with intellectual disabilities is one of the main tasks of disability institutional staff. This task empowers people with intellectual disabilities to regain, improve and maintain good health status in their daily living. The aim of the present study was to implement the health promotion strategy based on the previous health needs assessment in one disability institution. The needs assessment found that weight management was the vital health issue of people with intellectual disability in this institution. The present study recruited 83 persons with intellectual disabilities, 53 persons (63.9%) were male and 30 persons (36.1%) were female. The age range was 18-56 years old. In terms of the disability level, 3.4% were mild disability, 67.3% were moderate or severe disability and 29.3% were profound disability. The study period was last for 4 months (July 1, 2004 and November 31, 2004) based on the interventions of diet management and regular exercises. We used diet, exerceise and activity records to collect the data of interventions. The height, weight, body mass index and body fat were the indicators of the results of the interventions. Although the results illustrated that the interventions were not significant effectively to the indicators in the study period, the method and process of the interventions have a positive impact on the attitude and behavior toward diet and exercise of people with intellectual disabilities. We suggest that the staff should keep implementing health promotion activity to improve the quality of life for people with intellectual disabilities. |