題 名 | 企業客戶CRM Outbound機制之探討=A Study on Outbound CRM Strategy of Business Customer |
作 者 | 張海濤; 倪豫英; 張光耀; | 書刊名 | 電信研究 |
卷 期 | 34:1 2004.02[民93.02] |
頁 次 | 頁89-98 |
分類號 | 496.7 |
關鍵詞 | 客戶關係管理; 電話進線服務; 電話出線服務; 互動式語音答詢; 電話行銷; 資料採礦; 客服人員; 銷售流程自動化; 互動資料庫行銷; 許可式行銷; Customer relationship management; CRM; ERP; Enterprise resource planning; CTI; Computer telephony integration; Inbound service; Outbound service; Interactive voice response; IVR; Telemarketing; Data mining; Customer services representative; CSR; Sales-forces automation; SFA; Interactive database marketing; Permission marketing; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 在現今競爭激烈的商業社會中,顧客每天要面對眾多品牌的選擇,因此,企業要如何吸引貢獻度高的VIP客戶,或提升顧客的忠誠度,就成為企業最關心的話題。根據80/20法則,企業80%的利潤是來自於20%的高貢獻度客戶。換句話說,當企業提供VIP客戶最佳的服務以維持其忠誠度,將可使企業擁有最基本的獲利能力。 另一方面,據研究指出,「開發一個新客戶是維持一個就有客戶的四至六倍成本」,簡單假設維持一個舊客戶大約一百萬(包括人力、時間等),當企業因一時疏忽而沒有維護好與顧客的關係,公司很有可能立刻損失四百萬至六百萬,這在在顯示了做好顧客關係管理(CRM)將是現今企業最重要的課題!除了利用客戶關係管理(CRM)維持住舊有客戶之外,客戶關係管理(CRM)還是一個非常好用的開源工具;而在整個CRM範疇中,能讓CRM成為開源工具的就是CRM Outbound的功能,因此本文將針對CRM Outbound機制加以探討。 |
英文摘要 | In the keen competitive business society, every customer has lots of different products to choose. Therefore, how to attract big business customers, or how to remain customer's loyalty is the main concern of a company. According to 80-20 theory, 80% of a company's profit comes from 20% of big customers. In other words, when a company provides its major accounts best service in order to retain his loyalty, it will help the business earn the basic profitability as well. Moreover, some researchers said the cost of developing a new customer is four to six times the cost of retaining and old customer. In simple hypothesis, we need to spend one million (including manpower and time) dollars to maintain an old customer. If we neglect a customer or does not keep good relationship with him, we may lose four to six million dollars very soon. This result shows how important the "customer relationship management" (CRM) is today. Every company must pay more attention to it. In addition, we can hold old customers, find more potential customers and help customers quickly get answers by using CRM. Outbound operation of CRM is the best tool for Chunghwa Telecom. We can ensure that our customers have a positive experience every time. Therefore, this article will focus on CRM outbound strategy of Chunghwa Telecom. |