- 臺灣原住民運動會之研究(1994∼2001)
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題 名 | 臺灣原住民運動會之研究(1994∼2001)=Case Study of Taiwan's Aboriginal Games (1994-2001) |
作 者 | 黃嘉源; | 書刊名 | 臺東大學教育學報 |
卷 期 | 14(下) 民92.12 |
頁 次 | 頁153-172 |
分類號 | 536.33 |
關鍵詞 | 臺灣; 原住民; 原住民運動會; Taiwan; Aboriginal; Aboriginal games; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 聯合國將1993年定為聯合國際原住民年,臺灣則於1994年舉辦了史無前例的全省性原住民運動會,運動會中結合體育競技及原住民傳統文化活動,無論就發掘原住民運動人才,或促進族群和諧,培養尊重多元文化的觀念,全省性原住民運動會有其特殊意值得日以重視研究,筆者因而興起研究臺灣原住民運動會的動機。 而本研究的目的旨在探討原住民運動會的舉辦起源、歷屆舉辦情況,並希望從中明瞭原住民運動會的舉辦成效及其代表意義。 本研究以1994年至2001年,共七屆的原住民運動會為研究範圍,使用文獻分析法,蒐集相關史料,而有以下之研究發現: 一、首屆原住民運動會因多位原住民省議員之倡議,尤以屏東縣籍排灣族省議員曾華德先生為主,而在1994年於屏東縣舉辦,雖屬試辦性質,然反應熱烈,故決議自1995年起每年辦理。 二、有別於一般之運動會,原住民運動會競賽項目,大致可分成現代競技類及傳統民俗競技類。而不論就場地布置、競賽項目、典禮儀式、選手之夜及原住民文化展覽等配合活動,都能充分彰顯原住民文化特色,有助於提升一般人對多元文化之欣賞及尊重。 三、從開幕典、聖火引燃、獎盃樣式等,可看出歷屆原住民運動會,因承辦縣市不同,而能呈現不同的逼辦風貌並凸顯該地原住民族群之文化特色。 四、原住民運動競技成績並不突出,且競技項目因承辦縣市之不同而有所改變,就發掘原住民運動人才而言,成效似乎不彰。但透過運動會的形式讓不同族群的原住民齊聚一堂,對促進族群和諧,原住民運動會有其正面意義。 |
英文摘要 | The United national declared 1993 as the year of “The Year of Indigenous People.” In 1994, Taiwan held its first Aboriginal Games on the island. The Games focused on aboriginal art, sports, and traditional cultural activities. It helps to scout for gifted aboriginal athletes, promote harmony among the people, and enhance respect of the country’s different cultures. It was a unique event deserving great concern and research. The purpose of this study is to review the beginning and history of ht Games and to discuss its efficiency and meaning. The data has been collected using the literature analysis method with documents from the Games held between 1994 and 2001. The findings are as follows: I. The first Games were championed by aboriginal councilmen, most notably Tzeng Der-hua, a Pingtung countuy’s Paiwan Councilman. II. Unlike other sporting events, the Games were comprised of two types of sports: Modern and Traditional. Venue arrangement, Athletes’ Night, and Cultural Display all clearly show the features of aboriginal culture in an effort to enhance the appreciation and respect of minority cultures. III. Each sponsoring city and county has presented the Games with characteristics unique to its area. IV. It is not easy to scout for talented athletes because of the poor performance of the athletes in the Games. However, it serves a positive function in that it gathers people from different ethnic groups and promotes harmony. |