題 名 | 拋棄式直銑刀刀尖磨耗對MDF連續銑削溫度之影響=Effects of Worn Edge on Cutting Temperature in Milling MDF by Throw-type Straight Router-bit |
作 者 | 蘇文清; 安友義人; 田中千秋; | 書刊名 | 林產工業 |
卷 期 | 22:4 民92.12 |
頁 次 | 頁245-252 |
分類號 | 446.893 |
關鍵詞 | 磨耗; 銑削; 銑削溫度; 進給速度; 切削深度; Wearing; Milling; Cutting temperature; Feed speed; Cutting depth; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究係探討CNC花鉋機之直銑刀刀尖磨耗對連續銑削溫度之影響,五種磨耗刀具分別為對照組(NW, Rw=9.5μm, Cw=10μm)、輕微磨耗(LW, Rw=39μm, Cw=45μm)、中度磨耗(MW, Rw=87μm, Cw=110μm)、嚴重磨耗(SW, Rw=150μm, Cw=237μm)及破損刀具(BW, Rw=395μm, Cw=770μm)。試驗時將主軸轉速及切削深度固定而變化送材速度及切削量,並以紅外線測溫儀直接量測連續銑削MDF 10m期間之切削溫度。試驗結果顯示連續銑削過程中,五種磨耗刀具之初始切削溫度上昇急速,當送材長度達2m左右時,切削溫度變化甚小,且切削完畢後,皆會在刀端底部產生切屑堆積現象,此外,隨著送材速度之增加,五種磨耗刀具之切削溫度跟著降低,而隨著切削量增加,切削溫度則會隨著上昇;在相同切削條件下,隨著刀尖磨耗量之增加,切削溫度亦明顯跟著上昇,此說明銑削溫度應可作為刀具磨耗之一項指標。 |
英文摘要 | The purpose of this study was to explore the effects of worn edge of throw-type straight router-bit on cutting temperature in continuous milling MDF by CNC router. Five types of worn edge used in this study were control (NW, Rw=9.5μm, Cw=10μm), light wear (LW, Rw=39μm, C w=45μm), middle wear (BW, Rw=87μm, Cw=110μm), serious wear (SW, Rw=150μm, Cw=239μm) and broken tool (BW, Rw=395μm, Cw=770μm). The cutting temperature will be measured under various feed speed and cutting depth during milling MDF. Experimental results showed that the cutting temperature increased dramatically during the initial stage, and then changed little after the feed length reached to 2m. There were significant accumulations of dust on the bottom of straight router-bit after milling. Experimental results also indicated that the cutting temperature decreased with increasing feed speed, and increased with increasing cutting depth. The cutting temperature also increased with increasing edge wear under the same cutting conditions. It could be found from this study that the cutting temperature could be considered used as an indicator of tool wearing. |