題 名 | 逕流再利用系統之回歸水試驗與模擬=Experimental and Modeling Studies on Return Flow in the Runoff Reuse System |
作 者 | 簡傳彬; 吳瑞賢; | 書刊名 | 農業工程學報 |
卷 期 | 49:3 2003.09[民92.09] |
頁 次 | 頁30-45 |
分類號 | 443.67 |
關鍵詞 | 回歸水; 地下水補注; 水平衡模式; 逕流再利用系統; Return flow; Groundwater recharge; Water balance model; Runoff reuse system; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究之目的在建構一個結合最佳化模式並考慮灌溉水量、灌溉期距、水平滲流量及上游回歸水之水平衡模式。桃園農田水利會灌區為台灣地區中具有回歸水供給之一灌溉系統,因此本研究選擇桃園農田水利會11-2輪區為範例研究區域,以進行區域蒸發散量、深層滲漏量與回歸水量之推估,並與現地實測資料進行驗證。經由水平衡及最佳化模式,對桃園農田水利會11-2輪區以民國89年一期作之氣象資料進行運算。結果顯示︰在11-2輪區原灌溉用水量250,990m³之條件下,回歸水量為入流量的56%,地下回歸水量為有效入流量的14%。經由回歸水再利用,由於第4及第5單區充分利用上游灌區之回歸水,減少第4及第5單區灌溉用水量達54.1%及39.8%。使得11-2輪區灌溉用水量降低至197,644m³,即降低灌溉用水量達21%,顯示經由本模式以估算及利用上游回歸水確可減少灌溉水量,增加水資源使用效益。 |
英文摘要 | The purpose of the study was to construct a water balance model with optimization scheme. Irrigation demand, intervals, horizontal seepage and upstream return flow are taken into account in the model. The study selected irrigation system operated by the 11-2 rotation block of Taoyuan Irrigation Association (TIA) in Northern Taiwan as an example. The model estimates regional evapotranspiration (ET), infiltration into groundwater aquifer, and return flow. The filed data were also compared with the results from the model for verification. With the climatologic data at TIA at the first cultivation term in 2000, the water balance model with optimization scheme gives the following results. With original irrigation demand of 250,990m³, the return flow rates were 56% of inflow for the actual water supply; the subsurface return flow rate was 14% of effective consumption for the whole rotation block. The return flow reuse efficiency was 54.1% and 39.8% of irrigation application for rotation unit 4 and unit 5, respectively. The irrigation flow can be reduced to 197,644m³, which is 21% of the original. It is shown that this model can be applied to estimate return flow in designing irrigating schedule in rotation block to conserve water and to increase water consumption efficiency. |