- 溝通中之謝罪行為--臺灣與日本社會之比較
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題 名 | 溝通中之謝罪行為--臺灣與日本社會之比較=A Study of Apology Behavior on Communication--A Comparison between Japan and Taiwan |
作 者 | 新井芳子; | 書刊名 | 東吳日語教育學報 |
卷 期 | 26 2003.07[民92.07] |
頁 次 | 頁91-121 |
分類號 | 541.28 |
關鍵詞 | 溝通; 異國文化之理解; 道歉; 文化的觀點; 面子; 異文化理解; 謝罪; 文化的な観点; The understanding of cross-culture; Communication; Apology; Viewpoint of culture; Mien-tzu; Prestige; |
語 文 | 日文(Japanese) |
中文摘要 | 理解異國文化,是順利進行異國文化溝通時不可或缺因素。筆者使用了日語教育用之錄影教材,對學習者於學習異國文化時之「發現.感覺到的不同點」,將其分為「依生活習慣之差異」,「言語行動的差異」,「因文化背景所產生的差異」,「非言語行動的差異」等之四類,並依各類不同之視點做學習上之回饋。本文依此分類針對謝罪行為,以臺灣之具體事例,試行做臺灣與日本社會之相對比較。 日語社會中,「在講理由或做說明之前先行表達歉意」是為鐵則;但在臺灣社會中,表達道歉之話往往不容易脫口而出。臺灣社會何以不輕表歉意,本文針對其原因與結果做分析探討。 |
英文摘要 | It is impossible to make a smooth communication between two different cultures if they don't understand each other. Hereby I tried to use the videotapes designed for foreign Japanese learners to let them find out the difference between the contents and their own viewpoint by their culture values. As a result, the difference can be grouped into four categories as follows: (1) From their life style. (2) From verbal behavior. (3) From the background of their cultural phases. (4) From nonverbal behavior. The students' reaction challenged me to give them an intercultural comprehension lecture through feedback these four categories. This paper try to focus on the apologetic expression of Taiwanese through some cases occurred in my day life in Taiwan, and give a comparison on the expression in Japan. Ordinary, it is a rule in Japan that you should show your faith to say some words of apology before making an excuse. However, in Taiwan people don't quite easily use apologic words at the same case. This paper gives a study and analysis why they don't make their apology. |