- 最佳化飛彈軌跡之導引設計
- Variable Structure Control with Performance Constraints for Perturbed Ship Steering Systems
- 以模糊邏輯為基礎之飛彈導控系統設計
- Sliding Mode Output Feedback Control Scheme for Uncertain Dynamic Systems Including State Delay
- Design of Advanced Guidance Law Against High Speed Attacking Target
- Intelligent Decentralized Variable Structure Control of DC Servo Systems
- 一種嶄新之模糊導引律設計
- 電壓控制式變頻器之可變結構控制器設計
- Quasi-Optimum Guidance Law for Homing Missile to Maneuvering Target
- 磁浮軸承分散式可變結構控制之研究