題 名 | 青春期體重過重女生體重控制介入措施之初步成效=The Preliminary Results of Weight Control Intervention on Adolescent Overweight Girls |
作 者 | 劉倖吟; 蔡秀鸞; 李翠娥; 許文音; 蔡欽如; 魏燕蘭; | 書刊名 | 臺灣醫學 |
卷 期 | 7:2 2003.03[民92.03] |
頁 次 | 頁157-165 |
分類號 | 411.94 |
關鍵詞 | 青春期體重過重女生; 體重控制; 自尊; 憂慮; 肥胖指標; Adolescent overweight girls; Weight control; Self-esteem; Depression; Obese index; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究目的旨在探討15-18歲青春期體重過重女生接受體重控制介入措施之初步成效。研究採類實驗設計,樣本採用配對(matching)BMI值方式,篩選80位BMI≧23為研究對象,實驗組40名、對照組40名。其中實驗組接受為時八週的飲食認知及運動課程,對照組僅給予體重控制衛教手冊。測量工具包括自尊量表、憂鬱量表和肥胖生理指標(BMI值、皮脂厚度、體脂肪率和血壓)。資料收集點包括前測後(Time 2)及結束後一個月後測(Time 3)。以SPSS Windows(10.0)套裝軟體進行建檔及統計分析。統計方法包括:次數分配、百分比、平均值、標準差、t檢定和重複測(Time 1)介入措施、量 AVONA。結果顯示:(1)體重過重女生其自尊屬中等程度,而將近八成有憂鬱情形;(2)接受體重控制課程之實驗組能降低憂鬱的負向情緒,並能提昇其自尊心;(3)且能減輕體重3.74kg,在皮脂厚度及血壓值上亦有顯著改善之成效。本研究結果提供健康照護者參考,期能籍由體重控制介入措施,幫助體重過重青春期女生控制體重、提昇自尊,減輕憂鬱的情緒,進而增進生活品質。 |
英文摘要 | The purpose of this study was to test th effectiveness of a weight control program for a group of adolescent overweight girls aged 15 to18. It was a longitudinal study using a quasi-experimental design. Eighty participants with matched BMI were assigned into experiment or control groups. Subjects in the experiment group attended an 8-week weight control program, while subjects in the control group were given weight control teaching booklets. The measures included Self-Esteem Inventory, and Beck Depression Inventory. The physiological data included BMI, skin-fold thickness, body fat ratio, and blood pressure. Data were collected at pretest, posttest, and one month following the intervention. The data were further analyzed with SPSS for Windows 10.0 statistical software. The statistic methods included frequency distribution, percentile, mean, standard deviation, t-test, and repeated measure ANOVA. The findings indicated adolescent overweight girls scored at medium levels on self-esteem, while 80 percent of them had depression symptoms. The results suggested that the weight-control program could significantly control weight, reduce depression, and promote self-esteem in teenage overweight girls. In conclusion, this study provided a weight control program for health care providers who are taking care of teenage overweight girls. The program would help teenage overweight girls to control weight, increase self-esteem, and decrease depression. |