- Teaching Machine Translation and Translation Memory Systems
- 電腦輔助商務翻譯教學--MT及TM之案例研究
- 翻譯記憶系統的發展歷程與未來趨勢
- Modifications in Current Translation Teaching: Problems and Solutions
- Machine Translation and the Death of the Translator in the Technological Age
- 重建現代化的巴比塔--機器翻譯的歷史和現狀
- 統計式片語翻譯模型
- 仿人漢英口語機譯系統
- A Hybrid Approach to Machine Translation System Design
- 遞增式術語詞典編纂法--以電子計算機術語字典為例
題 名 | Teaching Machine Translation and Translation Memory Systems=機器翻譯與翻譯記憶 |
作 者 | 解志強; | 書刊名 | 翻譯學研究集刊 |
卷 期 | 7 2002.12[民91.12] |
頁 次 | 頁297-322 |
專 輯 | 第六屆口筆譯教學研討會論文輯要 |
分類號 | 312.23 |
關鍵詞 | 機器翻譯; 翻譯記憶; Machine translation; Communication aids; Translation memory; Term bank; |
語 文 | 英文(English) |
中文摘要 | 機械翻譯(Machine Translation)和翻譯記憶(Translation Memory)軟體兩者都是近年來的翻譯相關電腦科技的產物,不過兩者的作用很不相同,機械翻譯目的是要提供自動的翻譯,用以取代人工,不過因為高品質機械翻譯難以達成,近來機械翻譯逐漸轉用為溝通輔助軟體,例如提供網頁或電子郵件的粗略翻譯,以幫助不同文化的人之間的溝通,另一方面,翻譯記憶軟體則是職業翻譯家的輔助工具,它的作用方式是把所有‘主人’翻譯過的句子都成對的記憶起來‧等到下次遇見相同或雷同的原句時,它就把以前做過的譯句呼叫出來,給主人斟酌修改與採用‧如此,不但節省翻譯的時間和精力,並且可以維持某些名詞或其他用語的一貫性‧機械翻譯和翻譯記憶這兩種科技,對於翻譯業界和翻譯教學界都是重要不可忽略的‧翻譯系的學生必須知道機械翻譯有什麼好處和用途,以及人工翻譯佔有什麼優勢等等‧學生也需要學會使用翻譯記憶軟體,一方面可以符合大翻譯公司求才的需求,一方面對於個人翻譯作品的整理和效率的提升,也很有很大助益‧由於目前存在的文獻中,很少有關機械翻譯和翻譯記憶軟體教學的探討‧本文旨在針對此兩種軟體在翻譯系中的教學,提出一些初步的看法。 |
英文摘要 | Machine translation (MT) and Translation memory (TM) system are both products of contemporary translation-related computer technology, though they work very differently. An MT system aims to offer automatic translation in place of human translators, though increasingly, it is becoming a kind of communication aid, for example, as a Web page or email translator in cross-cultural communication. The TM system, on the other hand, acts as an aid to translators by memorising all translation units (TUs) completed by the translator and retrieving the memorised bilingual pairs when the translation unit is encountered a second time, thereby saving the translator’s time as well as maintaining consistency in translation. Both MT and TM technologies have high implications for the translation industry as well as for translation teaching. Trainee translators need to know what MT systems are good for, and what advantages human translators have over MT, among other things. They need to learn to use a TM system if they are thinking about joining a large translation company, or to organize and utilize their translation works more efficiently. As there is little existing literature dwelling on the teaching of MT or TM, this article aims to offer some beginning ideas about how these two kinds of translation technology should or can be taught in a translation course. |