題 名 | 臺灣農會經營管理的困境--網絡理論的分析=Predicaments of Operation and Management of Farmers Associations in Taiwan: A Network Theoretical Analysis |
作 者 | 廖坤榮; | 書刊名 | 政治科學論叢 |
卷 期 | 16 2002.06[民91.06] |
頁 次 | 頁163-189 |
分類號 | 431.57 |
關鍵詞 | 治理典範; 網絡分析; 政治網絡關係; 恩寵侍從關係; 道德危機; Governance paradigm; Network analysis; Political network relations; Patron-client relations; Moral hazard; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本文以「治理」典範為理論基礎,運用「網絡分析」(network analysis)途徑,探討農會「網絡」的形成以及對於農會組織經營管理所產生的影響。治理典範強調「政府」應有效地整合「非政府組織」之功能與資源,並能轉化為政府的公共服務職能。本文之基本命題:農會曾在臺灣農村發展過程中扮演重要角色,自一九五○年代以來,政府與農會組織即形成一種「治理關係」,並逐漸發展成為一獨特的「政治網絡關係」,網絡關係既是農會的核心資源,也是農會經營管理弊端之根本。 當前臺灣農會組織所面臨的經營管理嚴竣挑戰,誠來自於歷史制度的演變,當政府與農會組織進入治理典範所指稱的「網絡關係」時,農會本身的組織管理面臨「官僚化」、「壟斷性領導與決策」、「非市場性經營」、「競租」以及「道德危機」的問題。事實上,自國民黨政府遷臺以來,政府與農會就進入治理關係,農會也一直成為政府公共政策的代理人(agents);無庸置疑的,農會對臺灣農村發展與現代化確曾立下汗馬功勞,然而,農會卻與黨政機關、地方政治生態形成一個獨特的「政治網絡關係」,透過「網絡」使得農會可以發揮多功能、多目標的角色;然而,「政治網絡關係」所洐生的「競組」等現象,卻也成為當今農會的問題所在。 |
英文摘要 | This paper, based on governance paradigm employs network analysis to investigate the formation of networks on Farmers' Associations (hereafter FAs) in Taiwan and in particular their impacts on operation and management of organizations. Governance paradigm emphasizes that governments should effectively integrate resources and functions of non-government organizations (NPOs) into public authorities and transform them into public service capabilities of governments. The basic assumption of this paper is that FAs have ever been playing a significant role in the development of rural areas in Taiwan. Since 1950s, the government and FAs have formed an unique governance which has successfully achieved modernization of the agricultural sector in Taiwan. However, such an unique developmental device has suffered from inefficiency and unproductivity in terms of operation and management. Currently, FAs are encountering a critical challenge that is inherited from historical institutional development. As FAs involve in politicized network relations suggested by governance paradigm, they might fall into organization bureaucratization, dictator-like leadership and closed decision making process, non-market operation, rent-seeking, and particularly moral hazard. As a matter of fact, FAs and the party-state have formed a governance relations since KMT ruled in Taiwan. FAs have played agricultural policy agents and made a great contributions to rural modernization in this island state. However, FAs partisan organizations and local political elites form political networks which are effectively used by FAs to implement multifunction goals under a support of government. Nevertheless political network become a critical predicament of operation and management of FAs. |