- 師院大一學生電化學概念建構的研究
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題 名 | 師院大一學生電化學概念建構的研究=The Analysis of First-Year College Students' Conceptusl Construction and Their Mentel Models in Electochemistry |
作 者 | 蘇育任; 張馨文; | 書刊名 | 臺中師院學報 |
卷 期 | 16 2002.07[民91.07] |
頁 次 | 頁471-498 |
分類號 | 525.334 |
關鍵詞 | 心智模式; 迷思概念; 電化學; 概念學習; Conceptual construction; Mental models; Inferred mental models; Misconceptions; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 化學教育研究的相關文獻顯示國外許多大專學生在學習電化學時,普遍生得艱深難懂,甚至產生不少迷思概念,我國學生在相關概念的學習情況如何,實有深入探究之必要。本研究乃以國立臺中師範學院自然科學教育系一年級及輔系選修普通化學的學生共78名為研究對象,探討其修習電化學的概念理解情況。先利用研究者自編並經過信度、效度考驗之紙筆測驗,瞭解學生電化學的概念學習成效;再依據學生作答情形,選擇進行正式訪談的對象,包括自科系一年級學生12名與輔系學生4名,共16名。接著分析學生的談話內容,以探究其在電化學的概念建構,進而建立學生推論的心智模式。 本研究的主要發現,可分成三部分敘述如下: 一、紙筆測驗的概念理解情況: 自科系一年級與輔系學生在計算電池電位、電極的極性判斷、鹽橋物質導電方式及氧化-還原反應判斷等概念上較為正確,但在電流、涅斯特方程式、鹽橋溝通方式與鹽橋物質特性等四方面錯跡的比率較高。 二、訪談資料分析的結果: 對16名學生進行訪談之後,發現他們都有許多迷思概念,主要的迷思概念在鹽橋溶特性(62.5%)、電池液濃度對電位的影響(93.75%)及濃差電池(50%)這三部份。(括弧內為具有迷思念的學生比率) 三、概念建構的分析結果: 將低、中、高成就組學生之心智模式加以比較,結果顯示學生的錯誤都是在基本概念或定義上,其基本概念一旦有錯誤,往下進行推理時也會出錯。 |
英文摘要 | This study set out to explore students' misconceptions and their inferred mental models in electrochemistry. The subjects consisted for seventy eight first-year students in National Taichung Teachers college. A reliable and validated instrument composed of seven main concepts was administered firstly to understand students' conceptual construction. The qualitative data form interviewing sixteen representative subjects was further examined to find students' misconceptions and to construct their inferred mental models. The main findings of this study are listed as follows: A. The students have many wrong concepts in current, Nernst equation, the way of conducting and the properties of materials in the salt bridge. B. After analyzing the interview data, it was found that students make a lot of mistakes as well as the concentration cells. C. From the constructed diagrams of students' mental models, it was shown that most students make mistakes in both theoretical and mathematical models, and if they should have wrong conceptual understanding of the basic concepts in those seven aspects, they will make improper connections in their inferred medntal models. |