題 名 | 臺南區落花生產銷結構之研究=The Study of Production and Marketing Structure of Peanut in Tainan District |
作 者 | 黃惠琳; 陳萬福; | 書刊名 | 臺南區農業改良場研究彙報 |
卷 期 | 39 民91.06 |
頁 次 | 頁49-66 |
分類號 | 434.25 |
關鍵詞 | 農產品; 落花生; 產銷結構; Agricultural products; Peanut; Demand & supply structure; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究主要目的在建立落花生之產銷基本資料,除引用歷年來的次級資料,並於產地進行訪查,同時根據自然條件與經濟條件,並參酌技術條件與農民意願,分析落花生產業的現況,研擬落花生的產銷規劃。臺灣落花生主要產地在雲林縣、彰化縣、嘉義縣及臺南縣等地區,在加入WTO後糧食作物開放進口,預期將會對落花生產業產生重大的影響。民國89年落花生的種植面積29,662公頃,平均每公頃產量大多維持在2,500公斤左右,平均每公斤生產成本約36元,每公斤的售價約44元,其中運銷費用每公斤約5.9元,每公頃產量約2,470公斤,因此每公頃的收益為5,187元。生產方面遭遇到的困難主要有:受自然因素明顯牽制、病蟲害防治困難、連作障礙、勞力短缺;銷售方面遭遇到的困難主要有:走私嚴重影響市場供需、進口花生的威脅越來越大、被中間商掌控。加入WTO後因落花生配額進口,估計種植面積將減少8%,且因預期心理,價格會下跌。國產落花生之生產成本偏高,未來宜配合國人口味及消費市場需求,輔導國產落花生朝向鮮(煮)食用及具本土風味之帶殼花生加工產品與傳統式炒花生為主。採取的因應措施包括:調整生產面積、加強品種改良與產品研發、建立產銷預警制度、建立品牌形象及市場區隔、加強進口產品檢驗及輔導農民轉業或第二專長訓練等。 |
英文摘要 | This research aims at establishing the production and marketing information of peanut. Secondary and investigation data are both used in the future planning of peanut industry.The major production area of peanut locates in Yun-lin, Chang-hua, Chai-yi and Tainan counties in Taiwan. It expects to have tremendous impact on peanut industry after Taiwan join the World Trade Organization (WTO). The planting area of peanut is 29,662 hectare in 2000, with an average production of 2,500 kg/acre. The production cost of peanut is $36/kg , marketing cost is $5.9/kg, farm-gate price is $44/kg, and the yield is 2,470kg/ha, therefore the profit is $5,187/ha in 2000. The difficulties encountered in production are: nature limitation, diseases & pests preventing, continuous cropping obstacle and labor shortage, while in marketing the major problems are: smuggling, threat of imported peanut products and manipulated by middleman. According to the quotation policy of peanut after join WTO, the planting area estimates to reduce by 8%, and the price will go down owing to the expectation of consumers. The production cost is higher compared to imported products, therefore the future target market should aim at fresh consumption, shell or fried peanut products according to consumer flavor and demand. The react policy includes: adjust production area, emphasize on variety selection and products development, establish alerting system, built up brand name and market discrimination, strictly execute imported products examination, and provide job training outside farming. |