- 性別、依賴、就業力--臺灣婦女的經濟弱勢與保障
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題 名 | 性別、依賴、就業力--臺灣婦女的經濟弱勢與保障=Gender、Dependence、Employability: Women's Economic Vulnerability and Security in Taiwan |
作 者 | 許雅惠; | 書刊名 | 臺大社會工作學刊 |
卷 期 | 6 2002.06[民91.06] |
頁 次 | 頁123+125-173 |
分類號 | 544.52 |
關鍵詞 | 貧窮女性化; 依賴; 婦女就業力; 社會救助; 雙軌式福利制度; 特殊境遇婦女; Women's poverty; Dependence; Employability; Social assistance; Two-tier welfare system; Care responsibility; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本文分從性別、依賴、就業力(employability)三個角度,呈現臺灣婦女的貧窮問題,並分析臺灣婦女經濟保障政策的本質。文章依序呈現,一、臺灣婦女貧窮之隱性經驗,以量化與質性研究回顧為主;二、分析婦女之貧窮風險,實乃肇因於勞動市場歧視、照顧責任失衡與福利供給設計不良等因素;因此,婦女在經濟上長期處於依賴婚姻、依賴子女和依賴國家福利的處境。三、分析社會救助相關政策供給,指出其保障婦女經濟之立意,非但無能舒緩婦女貧窮之嚴重度,亦無能解決婦女的性別弱勢與依賴處境,更遑論提昇貧窮婦女之「就業力」。長久下去,台灣勢將出現雙軌式(two-tier)的福利系統。文末建議,未來的保障婦女經濟安全之福利政策,必須同時兼顧「社會保障」(social Protection)與「社會投資」(social investment)兩面,並思考婦女「就業力」與「依賴」之間的關係,進而協助個人與家庭因應現代生活中所遭遇的各種社會風險。 |
英文摘要 | The paper aims to examine women's poverty and their economic vulnerability in Taiwan, incorporating gender, dependence and employability-three relatively invisible features of much of social policy analysis-into the analysis that focuses on social assistance system. It argues that sexual discrimination in the labour market, women's care responsibilities and inadequate social provisions have been and remain crucial in determining the nature of women's economic vulnerability. The 'residual' welfare state that aims to provide social assistance or social insurance in forms of minimum benefits fails to promote women's autonomy and equality, instead of that encourages women to depend on male-breadwinners and family. It is to be noticed that a two-tier welfare system is to trap women into long-term dependence and severe poverty. Finally, it calls for attention to consider relations between women's employability and dependence, social protection and social investment, in order to assist individuals and families to cope with new social risks in the global age. |