- 國小學童漢字視知覺能力三年縱貫研究
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題 名 | 國小學童漢字視知覺能力三年縱貫研究=A Three-Year Longitudinal Study of Elementary Students Visual Perception of Chinese Characters |
作 者 | 洪儷瑜; | 書刊名 | 特殊教育研究學刊 |
卷 期 | 22 2002.03[民91.03] |
頁 次 | 頁1-26 |
分類號 | 523.41 |
關鍵詞 | 中文閱讀; 視知覺; 國小學童; 閱讀困難; 縱貫研究; Visual perception; Chinese reading; Elementary students; Poor readers; Longitudinal study; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究利用追隨式(follow-through)的縱貫研究,自1996~97學年起追蹤連續達三年,旨在探討國語文低成就學童與其他成就組之學童的漢字視知覺能力之發展情形與差異。本研究根據漢字特性與閱讀發展理論自編一套漢字視知覺測驗為測量工具,包括記憶廣度、序列記憶、部件辨識、組字規則區辨、圖形區辨與文字符號區辨等六個分測驗。由臺灣北、中、南、東四區取樣國小二、五年級學生各183名為研究對象,並依據國語文成就測驗分為高、中、低成就組,再經由國小階段發展較明顯的部件辨識與序列記憶兩項能力低得分與成長之個案探討漢字視知覺能力的發展與國語文能力之可能的關係。本研究結果有下列三項主要發現:(1)國小學生的漢字視知覺能力會隨年級而成長,不同能力在不同成就組間之成長有所差異,本研究發現大致以序列記憶、部件辨識兩項在國小階段的成長最為明顯,得分在年級間也最為穩定;(2)漢字視知覺測驗所測之能力的發展頂點依序為,圖形區辨,其在小二或更早已達發展頂點;其次為字符區辨,其發展頂點可能在小二、小三間;再其次為記憶廣度與組字規則區辨,其發展頂點約在小三,最後為序列記憶與部件辨識兩項,該兩項能力在國小階段持續成長到小六,而國語文低成就學童的發展頂點較上述年級晚;(3)在部件辨識與序列記憶分析低得分低成長的個案中發現,部件辨識之持續低得分與認字得分關連不大,但與閱讀理解、國語文成就關係密切,而序列記憶之持續低得分與國語文相關能力的關係較小。其中在持續低得分的低年級學童發現特殊類型的個案有6位,包括疑似理解型的閱讀困難有4位,與2位疑似認字型的閱讀困難。 |
英文摘要 | The study aimed to investigate the development of the visual perception of Chinese characters of the elementary students by a three-year follow-through study. The Test of Visual Perception of Chinese Characters (TVPCC) was conducted on the basis of the theory of Chinese characters and development of reading. The TVPCC consisted of six sub-tests: memory span, serial memory, segment recognition, recognition of orthographic rule, figure recognition, and recognition of pseudo-character. 366 elementary students were selected from four different areas in Taiwan. Half of them were selected from the second grade and the other half from the fifth one. They were divided into three groups according to the score of the Chinese Achievement Test: low-, mid-, and high-achievement. All the students were follow-through studied for the three consecutive years since 1996. Three major findings were concluded as follows: (a) The elementary students visual perception of Chinese characters (VPCC) significantly increased each year. The serial memory and segment recognition increased the most significantly and remained stably. (b) The ceiling of the development of the six competence of the VPCC could be list in order: The figure recognition got to the ceiling the earliest, about the second grade; the recognition of pseudo-characters came the next, about the second and third grades; memory span and recognition of orthographic rules came after, about the third grade; the serial memory and segment recognition came the last, about the sixth grade. However, the ceiling of the development of the students with Iow-achievement came later than above. (c) According to the case study of consecutive low-scored in serial memory or segment recognition, low scored and low growth of segment recognition is close related to the reading comprehension and Chinese achievement but the serial memory isn t. Among these cases, the types of comprehension difficulty but average word recognition and word recognition difficulty but with average comprehension were found. |