題 名 | 國小學童口語語言理解與閱讀理解能力之關係=A Correlational Study on Oral Language Comprehension and Reading Comprehension |
作 者 | 陳美芳; | 書刊名 | 特殊教育研究學刊 |
卷 期 | 16 1998.06[民87.06] |
頁 次 | 頁171-184 |
分類號 | 529.69 |
關鍵詞 | 國語文低成就; 圖畫詞彙; 聽覺記憶; 中文閱讀; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究的目的在探討國小學童在閱讀歷程中的整體性口語語言理解能力及其與閱 讀理解的關聯。此為三年的縱貫研究,本文為第二年研究資料之分析及部分一、二年資料間 的比較。本研究探討的閱讀成分包含:圖書詞彙與聽覺記憶能力。研究對象於第一年選定, 本年繼續追蹤,對象來自臺灣北、中、南、東四區,經參考教師觀察、學生在校成績及標準 化國語文能力測驗,分為國語文低、中、高三個程度組。三個級組三組人數分別為:87、49 、14 名;六年級三組人數分別為:90、48、26名。 本研究對圖畫詞彙的測量採用「畢保德圖畫詞彙測驗-甲式」,聽覺記憶能力則採自編測驗 測量。研究主要結果如下: 1.圖畫詞彙的組間比較:無論三年級或六年級皆顯示,低成就組得分不如中、高成就組, 中成就與高成就組間則無差異。 2.聽覺記憶的組間比較:無論三年級或六年級皆一致的顯示,三組間得分有差異,低成就 組得分不如中成就組、中成就組又不如高成就組。 3.不同句型聽覺記憶的通過百分比:無論在三年級或六年級組,學生在各句型的通過百分 比皆隨低、中、高程度而遞增。在控制句長後,三年級學生記憶複和句(句型四)可能較其 他句型困難。六年級學生四種句型的通過率則趨近。 4.與閱讀理解能力間的相關分析:聽覺記憶與閱讀理解的相關,在三、六年級分別為.663 、.484,圖畫詞彙與閱讀理解的相關,在三、六年級分別為.572、.596。 5.圖書詞彙能力的發展:圖畫詞彙大致會隨年級增加而增進,但發展狀況會因學生原來的 國語文能力程度而有些不同,二年級升三年級階段,可能是中程度與低程度學生圖畫詞彙豐 富增進的階段。 |
英文摘要 | The purpose of this study was to investigate primary students' global verbal comprehension ability and its relationship to reading comprehension. It is a tree-year developmental study and the data in this report was collected on the second year. The global verbal comprehension components in this study included: Picture vocabulary and oral repetition ability. The subjects were selected from four areas of Taiwan, including 150 three-grade and 164 sixth- grade students with different Chinese achievement levels. The major findings were: 1) The inter-group comparison of picture vocabulary showed that low achievers were inferior to middle and high achievers on both 3 and 6 �� grade. 2) The comparison of oral repetition ability showed that, on both grade, high achievers were superior to middle achievers and middle achievers were superior to low achievers. 3) The percentage correct of four sentence patterns of oral repetition were all increased from low to high achievers. 4) The correlation coefficients between oral repetition and reading comprehension were.663 and.484 for 3 and 6 �� graders. The coefficients between picture vocabulary and reading comprehension were.572 and.596 for 3 and 6 �� graders. 5) The development of picture vocabulary was different among three achievement level students. |