題 名 | 應用實驗計畫法於電腦產業主機板工廠SMT製程參數設計=An Application of Design of Experiment for SMT Process Parameters in Mother Board Factory of IT Industry |
作 者 | 劉大昌; 張前偉; | 書刊名 | 臺北科技大學學報 |
卷 期 | 35:1 2002.03[民91.03] |
頁 次 | 頁313-326 |
分類號 | 494.542 |
關鍵詞 | 全球運籌; 實驗計畫法; 變異數分析法; 直交表; Global logistics; ANOVA; Orthogonal arrays; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 近10年來臺灣廠商憑藉著自己的努力,配合世界經濟局勢的轉變,資訊電子業蓬勃發展,部份項目進而成為世界最大供應商。在此期間臺灣引進了各種知識、制度、方法、技巧來提昇品質,往往沒有徹底執行之前,便有如曇花一現,達不到ISO-9001或TQM所提倡的持續不斷的改進。如何長期穩坐資訊電子大國的寶座,應是當今值得深入研究的課題。 本研究對於如何提昇實驗計劃法中的田口品質工程與變異數分析表之應用技術,進行更深入的探討。各大專院效、顧問公司及坊間書刊皆將此二法,從事於新產品、新材料、新設備及疑難雜症,規劃兩階段實驗設計。本研究針對持續不斷改善的原則提出了一階段實驗設計的概念,有操作簡單、省時、節約經費之效,更可以提出長期被忽略的Know-How。 本研究之效益符合經濟原則透過變異數分析法驗證製程參數,豐富的品質情報,不但對積習已久的製造參數之必要性、規格的合理性,有了重新省思的空間;更增加採購談判的籌碼,與水平展開到研發部門發展實驗策略。認真不斷的改進,才會使我國產品品質,百尺竿頭更進一步,增加國際競爭力。 |
英文摘要 | In nearly 10 years, Taiwan manufacturers made some of their products have become the largest provider in the world. They based on their own efforts, the changes of the world economic situation and prosperous development of information applications. During that time, the government introduced a lot of information, systems, methods and techniques to elevate the quality of their own products. However, those reforms disappeared even before being thoroughly executed, and which cannot achieve the philosophy of ISO-9001 or TQM about continuing improvements. How to secure the position of the world' number one of information electronics products is a subject worth to explore. This study offers same concepts about Taguchi Quality Engineering and ANOVA. According to schools, consulting companies and books in Taiwan, these methods emphasize on the new products, material, equipments. On the other hands, based on the principles of continuing improvements, this study provides a approach of experimental design. It is not only operated easily and cost saving, but also brought up some know-how which have been ignored for a long time. This study do conform to economical principles. We verified production's process through ANOVA, and abundant information. We can rethink the necessity of parameters and the rationality of specifications. Therefore, we can increase the benefits of negotiation and expend the strategy of experiments in R&D. |