- 亞澳地區的古氣候資料彙整會議記要
- Preliminary Study on the Late Quaternary Climatic Environment of the Taipei Basin and Its Possible Relation to Basin Sediments
- 臺灣古全球變遷研究之進程與展望
- 深鎖在大鬼湖中的秘密(1)--古氣候
- Images Ⅱ Cruise (Nausicaa) Explores Quaternary Climatic Variability and Linkage of Benguela and Agulhas Current Systems in the Southern Indian-Atlantic Ocean: Participation by Consortium of Taiwan Institutions (Coordinated by National Taiwan University)
- 表現於南中國海之晚第四紀海洋環境及氣候變化
- 全球資訊網與古氣候資料
- Preliminary Study of Quaternary Stratigraphy and Palynology in the Yangtze Delta, Eastern China
- Petrographic Evidence on the Provenance and Paleoclimate of the Catskill, Pocono and Pottsville Formations, Southeastern Pennsylvania
- 澎湖地區部份晚中新世古土壤的研究