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題 名 | 蒜球對貯藏溫度之反應=Responses of Garlic Bulbs (Allium sativum L.) to Storage Temperatures |
作 者 | 王怡玎; 洪登村; | 書刊名 | 中國園藝 |
卷 期 | 47:2 2001.06[民90.06] |
頁 次 | 頁185-194 |
分類號 | 435.222 |
關鍵詞 | 蒜球; 貯藏; 品質; 萌芽; 呼吸率; Garlic bulbs; Storage; Quality; Sprouting; Respiration rate; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 鑑於臺灣生產之蒜球(Allium sativum L.)於三、四月採收後在普通通風庫貯藏至當年秋、冬季期間常發生萌芽、乾腐與失重等問題,造成嚴重損失,本研究觀察貯藏溫度對蒜球芽體伸長及呼吸率等生理作用之反應,欲藉對生理反應之瞭解與影響品質之優劣變化,進一步找尋貯藏適溫。‘大片黑’大蒜之蒜球採收後先經熱風烘乾處理,然後以1°、5°、10°、15°、20°、25°、35°及40℃八種溫度貯藏6或10個月。結果貯藏在5°、10°及15℃的蒜球迅速萌芽;貯藏在20℃及25℃的蒜球雖然外觀不見萌芽,但芽體在蒜瓣中迅速伸長而曲褶;貯藏在40℃的蒜球則受熱傷害。蒜球於5℃至25℃之間貯藏6或10個月者呼吸率很高,貯藏在1℃或35℃者呼吸率較低。由於萌芽、乾腐、失重或熱傷害等劣變發生,蒜球在5°、10°、15°及40℃貯藏6個月者完全喪失商品價值,在20℃及25℃貯藏10個月者亦完全喪失商品價值,而在1℃或35℃貯藏10個月後仍有60%以上之可售率。貯藏在1℃的蒜球呼吸率、失重率或萌芽率均低,但芽體在蒜瓣中仍不斷伸長,出庫後置20℃櫥架觀察10天期間因迅速萌芽及失重,商品價值低落。在35℃貯藏6或10個月後的蒜球都還有10天以上的櫥架壽命。 |
英文摘要 | Properly cured (dried) garlic bulbs (Allium sativum L.) were stored at 1°, 5°, 10°, 15°, 20°, 25°, 35° or 40℃ for 6 or 10 months. Those stored at 40℃ had severe heat injury before 6 months. Those stored at 5°, 10° or 15℃ sprouted early, had high respiration rates, and had a storage life of <6 months. Those stored at 20° or 25℃ had high respiration rates, high weight losses, and severe dry rot disorders during the period between 6 to 10 months of storage. Those stored at 1℃ or 35℃ had low respiration rates, low wight losses, and did not sprout within 10 months. However, those stored at 1℃ for 6 or 10 months sprouted quickly and had a severe weight loss during the 10-day shelf-life observation at 20℃. More than 60% of the initial weight of the garlic bulbs stored at 35℃ for 10 months followed by 10-day shelf-life at 20℃ had an acceptable quality for the market. |