題 名 | Sustainable Farming in Tap Water Area: A Case of Paldang Project in Korea=自來水水源區的永續農業經營--以韓國Paldang永續農業經營計畫為例 |
作 者 | Shin,Kie-yup; | 書刊名 | 農業經濟叢刊 |
卷 期 | 6:2 2001.06[民90.06] |
頁 次 | 頁201-216 |
分類號 | 431.1 |
關鍵詞 | 永續農業; 低投入農作生產; 鋸屑發酵經營; 自來水水源區; 有機產品行銷; Sustainable farming; Low input crop production; Sawdust fermentation practice; Tap water source area; Organic produce marketing; |
語 文 | 英文(English) |
中文摘要 | 本文介紹在韓國Paldang縣之自來水水源區所施行的一種永續農業經營計劃,文中 將以該計畫之目標、計畫內容、執行成果及未來發展方向為討論重點。這是一種提供給農民 與消費者,透過雙方之合作達到彼此互利目的之計畫。在Paldang縣自來水水源區所施行的 永續農業,是以減少農作生產化學要素之投入,而改用以禽畜排泄物與鋸屑發酵而成之有機 物的經營方式。此一計畫之推行是以農業低利皮款及開款及開創有機產品之行銷通路,做為 鼓勵農民參與的經濟誘因。而此一誘因工具所需之財源則來自National Agricultural Cooperative Federation (NACF)及Seoul Metropolitan Government雙方協議下之捐獻。此一計畫 執行之成效具體表現於乾淨自來水水源之維護、更多有機農產品之供應與更高之農民所得等 方面。此一計畫未來發展的主要工作重點,是在尋找更有效率的有機農產品之行銷系統。 |
英文摘要 | The experience of the Paldang Project in Korea, a sustainable farming practice in tap water source area, is outlined and discussed in terms of objectives, programs, performance, and future directions. The project is to provide mutual benefits for farmers and consumers with collaboration of both groups. Sustainable farming is implemented by reducing chemical inputs for crop production and applying sawdust fermentation treatment of livestock waste in Paldang tap water source area. Economic incentives, including agricultural loans at favorable rates and market outlets for organic produce, are given to participant farmers. Those financial resources are provided by a joint contribution agreement between National Agricultural Cooperative Federation and Seoul Metropolitan Government. The performance of the Project is realized in terms of more application of sustainable farming that brings about preservation of clean tap water, more supply of safe agricultural products, higher farm income, etc. Efficient marketing system for organic produce remains a major task for further development of the Project. |